Open world multiplayer

Open world multiplayer


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If it's like, co-op with two or three people max, sure. Otherwise fuck that.

No, thanks

the only game I'd play with this concept

Co-op maybe


it would kill the atmosphere

Only if the red fores is 10 times as big.

That would quickly devolve into rust. Hope you enjoy a clan of zoomers chasing you down while screaming memes over VOIP in the hopes their shitty series gets over 50 views.

any news on stalker 2?
i hope it doesn't suck
at least is gonna release on 2021 and not get struck by this cursed year

How? Instead of running into NPCs you would run into real players.

because npcs don't know they're in a game unlike real players you dum dum

It may work.
Looking for a path to the Chernobyl NPP, stalking through the forest and swamps sounds cool. The maps would need to be at least 5 or 6 times as big tho.
Skirmishes between bandits and free stalkers would be cool. Being in duty or army would be an absolute cancer if you have to follow line of command.
The most fun would be monolith.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 76

Im gonna go with no

Isn't there already a dozen or so? Tarkov and other such garbage? Scavenger pvp trash you could probably include pubg in there too.
Basically just a trash idea, OP.

Nahh too much mechanical sacrifice

Would go the way of Rust or EFT where it's dominated by minmaxing aggressive PvP.

It could work with a couple conditions.

>very small amount of players maybe 5, no more than 10
>you never know how many people are in the game at any given time, and there will be npc stalkers/bandits/soldiers as well
>no pvp in bars ofc
>when you kill another player you can ONLY loot their artifacts, not their gear
>hopefully this would discourage the worst of pvp ganksquads and shit, but there's probably a better way to do it

Anybody else have any ideas? There is an extremely fine line between a tense survival exploration experience where you have to watch out for hostile stalkers stealing your artifacts, and garbage clan bullshit where 50 dudes gank your ass at once like in Rust.

sounds kinda like the hunt

Now this user is using his noggin

Only if there's a lot of mechanics to the game that stop the game from being just another battle royal aka "Who ever spots the other first and has a scoped rifle wins" nonsense.

and players would be able to chose from many different factions like in Anomaly

Multiplayer akin to the Dark Souls franchise would be cool. Could even make it immersive because the zone

Hunt is fucking kino, I took some ideas from it. The fact that there are ~12 people in a single game of Hunt (and you never know how many are left) does fucking WONDERS for making it not feel like a standard battle royale. It's always tense, and you can't just run around and shoot shit or you'll get destroyed.

Just play hunt showdown desu, but i agree something like this in stalker universe could be dope

Wasn't there an actual attempt at this? A group of Russians set up this large world where everyone can get into groups, go out and hunt artifacts, and help or kill each other. Remember it was like flavor of the week or so back in 2012 or something like that


ray of hope soon