Are these worth playing or a meme?

Are these worth playing or a meme?

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Not really, stick to the Super Mario Collection versions of Mario USA and 3, and the Super Famicom version of Mario World and Yoshi Island

Unironically my first experience with each respective game.

t. yes I am old enough to be on Yas Forums

Not really, stick with the original games on their respective consoles. A shame we didn't get an original Mario platformer for the GBA.

Same. I remember getting SM:Advance from burger king/mc donalds back when they actually gave out games with kids meals

The e-reader levels in Advance 4 are worth a play. YI has some extra levels as well.
The rest are fine if you can stand the Wahoos and can't/don't want to play the other versions for some reason. SMW saves your Yoshi Coin collection, if you're the completionist type.

These games ruined my cognition of the originals. Everytime I play SMB2 I get annoyed when I don't hear "Lucky!" when I get a cherry, or "Owwahaahaaha" when someone gets hit. Or the "Aww mumma mia" death jingle.

They're the same game, if you prefer the graphics and sound then go with the GBA version over the SNES or originals.

Any version of these games is solid, ignore the soul/soulless faggots.

i prefer them over the original, especially SMW

> if you prefer the graphics and sound
>The sound
>GBA soundfont over SNES sound chip

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Either sound fine

They're worth it for the hand held novelty

SMW Advanced adds an integral cutscene that explains a major plot event

Yoshi's island is a fucking BANGER even on the GBA

I prefer the original version of each game due to better sounding music and no form of screen crunch, but the Super Mario Bros 3 port actually has some E-card reader exclusive levels not found in the NES version you could probably play through an emulator.

> I prefer the original version of each game
Based, first time I play a game is always on the original console

The only ones worth a damn are Advance 3 for some extra levels and Advance 4 for the e-Reader content

Get hacks that remove the voice acting (especially for Advance 3)
Advance 4 has one that adds all the e-reader content while fixing the audio

They added more SOUL, so I would say yes.

Yes to "Are they worth playing"



Who tf cares about mario plot
If anything they should have put a way to skip those castle cutscenes

Advance 4 is unironically the best one because you can replay levels after finishing

Yes. Wish I had all of them.

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You can play as Luigi in Advanced World


Not worth it NOW. They were great when they came out and we didn't have a lot of options.

kill yourself, you stupid sack of shit

Mario World Advance was probably my most played GBA game. It doesn't have any major changes

Should I play Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3?
I finished the original for the first time fairly recently and just didn't enjoy it much at all. There are other NES games I've played that I liked much more.

2 is basically an expansion pack for 1, if you really liked 1 play 2. 3 is a really great game though

you first.

Charles Martinet’s voices for the bosses in SMA

Me, too. Not old enough to own a NES, so these, the Donkey Kong Country, and ALTTP ports were great.

People seem to forget about pic-related existing for the Game Boy Color (basically a port of Super Mario Bros 1). Pretty sure that's why the Super Mario Advance games awkwardly started at Super Mario Bros 2.

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He just voiced Mouser and Wart btw

I can't forget that, the Boo Race music was the shit.