How come the SNES sounded so much more muffled and tinny than the Genesis? The SNES is terrible at percussion.
How come the SNES sounded so much more muffled and tinny than the Genesis? The SNES is terrible at percussion
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Genesis FM was wild, produced some crazy synth at the cost of everything sounding really samey with that overblown "guitar"
It's just two different sounds man, you gotta appreciate both for what they brought.
Why did the Genesis have no good games while the SNES had tons of them? Some riddles simply cannot be solved............
Arcade had a better soundtrack for UN Squadron, Comix Zone isn't a good example for Genesis sound.
>everything sounding really samey with that overblown "guitar"
Most people aren't very Genesis literate, so they assume the worst about it.
Both are good, these days sample based music like SNES is underrated. You see people jerking off FM music all the time and while it's good it has a very different sound.
Its the genesis coping user again.
Growing up with a Genesis and then going to an N64 totally blew my mind, when you could hear things like Conker talking.
Of course Playstation had CD audio but I never had one. Kinda wish I could have a PS1 back in its glory days. Vaporwave has made me nostalgic for it without ever owning one.
>SNES is underrated
Really shouldn't be said in any sentence. The problem is sample based music got a lot better so the early days weren't that great in comparison. PS2 being the peak of sampling.
PS1's a great console, you should explore its library some time.
mate most people will always consider the genesis as far inferior to the snes when it comes to music and sound, you aren't tricking anybody
SNES music is underrated these days among retro gamers, literally everybody never shuts up about how much they love FM sound.
I dunno man i'm gonna have to pass on that arcade version. Maybe its because I grew up with the SNES version it just sounds right to me.
I quite like Comix Zone though and can't think of many genesis games with a similar musical theme that were popular off the top of my head.
Also this but mostly because I like Phantasy Star.
Bruh i'm pretty deep into the SNES fandom but this post is just plain retarded.
>Recorded using in_vgm v0.40.7 (MAME sound core).
Isn't that arcade?
>PS1's a great console, you should explore its library some time.
I got a PS2 down the line and played some PS1 games, but outside of Square, didn't explore too much of it. Any recs?
There's nothing on SNES as cool as these tracks though
>Isn't that arcade?
I think he just recorded it with MAME because one of the arcade machines uses the same sound chip as the Sega Mega Drive and MAME's emulation is better than other emulators
Maybe, but SNES soundtracks still get listed frequently on top lists. Megaman, Chrono Trigger, FF6...SNES still gets a lot of love.
>SNES music is underrated these days among retro gamers
No way. SNES music gets the most hot air blown up its ass, at best people know about a thunder force song or two on Genesis.
>Any recs?
Sure, Square's a great place to start but Namco put out some of their best on the console. Ace Combat 3's complete version is phenomenal, Klonoa is a pure and fine tuned platformer, Ridge Racer R4 is the most stylish racing game ever made. Even Sony was doing really cool games like Ghost in the Shell, Omegaboost and Rising Zan. The last one in particular is a hilarious 3D action game with a tone that closely resembles God Hand.
Not sure what you mean by tinny, but it's not muffled at all. The difference is that a lot of games on the SNES attempted to mimic orchestral acoustics for their soundtracks, while the Genesis just went for the raw guitar-ish sound.
>at best people know about a thunder force song or two on Genesis.
Yeah Streets of Rage 2 and Sonic 2 are so obscure.
>Gauntlet track
Holy fuck that's good
Not as good as the Gauntlet track but still good.
I like your taste user. I would listen to your playlist if you put one together.
I try not to list those when dumping links because it feels like cheating.
Fuck, I posted the wrong version for Sega, here's the actual 32X fart soundtrack.
Exactly. There's so many other stand out titles musically like Midnight Resistance, Panorama cotton, Monster World 4, Battle Mania, etc.
>fart soundtrack.
Fucking hell you weren't kidding.
GBA is the actual fartiest console.
Now THIS is some based fucking synth, god damn
Imagine the smell...
Ewww, emulated music with the bass boosted. Here is a better upload.
based U.N. squadron
Lads...could the SNES even come close?
SNES could do this but not at 320x224
SNES excels at color and hardware effects, Genesis excels at raw processing power.
SNES had way better sound overall
this is a terrible bait thread
>Genesis excels at raw processing power.
True, SNES would need an additional processing chip in the cartridge to do things like this.
>genesis losers are STILL coping like 30 years later
the Mega Drive's sound chip was manufactured by Yamaha: a company that had experience with making high-quality electronic drum sets and and drum machines like the RX-5.
Yeah but it can run F-Zero without any enhancement chips at 60fps.
At least every game doesn't use the same soundfont