The leaks aren't real. Let's talk about Halo, since the last thread died.
The leaks aren't real. Let's talk about Halo, since the last thread died
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I'll start
343 please hurry the fuck up with halo 2
i just want to play 3 please god
Just let it die bro
What happened to fiverunners?
Hardest Halo campaigns on legendary?
Having a blast playing Halo 2 MCC on PC, I will buy when it releases soon.
CE probably
im more than competent in FPS games but holy fuck
Do you mean the Fauxrunners? The race of ancients that 343 added when Frankie took control of Halo?
CE and 2
Well there's several runners out there. They were better as forehiders, since the shield worlds worked I guess.
CE and 2
Halo 2, easily. The jackal snipers aren't a meme, they'll fuck you even if you know to expect it.
I found the Halo 5 campaign to be the worst. Halo 2's was hard, but you can easily break out of each map. 343i liked adding a shit ton of death barriers for no reason whatsoever. Warden Eternal fights were awful, and the revive system just made waiting a slog.
Jackal snipers have scored more 360 no scopes than the entire fanbase.
Halo CE is the best campaign wise and multiplayer wise because its gunplay, weapon sandbox, and atmosphere and 2v2 comp/8v8 party experience are the best.
Halo 2 is also the best campaign and multiplayer wise because its story has the most depth and its 4v4 multiplayer is the best.
ODST has an excellent campaign.
Halo 3 has a disappointing campaign that misses what made CE and 2 great and it has disappointing gunplay that stops it from living up to CE or 2 competitively, but its social multiplayer is the best.
ODST has a fantastic campaign.
Reach is mediocrity incarnate.
Halo 4 had a decent campaign and Halo 5 has a decent multiplayer. Their biggest issues are that they look and feel nothing like Halo and if the art and sound design were different I guarantee people would be more receptive to these parts of the game. (There's no saving 4's multiplayer or 5's campaign though)
These threads are the worst ones on Yas Forums because everyone involved has such nostalgic attachment to it they think they've stumbled upon the actual objective ranking of the series. This will be my first and last post in this thread.
Look, elitefa.. Elitefella. Can we not reach a compromise? We cannot continue to fight and shit up these threads. Can we come to a mutual understanding?
CE had no reason to ever use anything but the pistol. It doesn't have good weapon balance.
2 has the best story, but it's level design is the worst of the 3.
3 has the best level design, no question.
That's a decent opinion.
There's some Bungiefags here that argue without research, and tribalistic tards from the 343i era.
It's weird knowing that 343i has been involved with the series longer than Bungie, now.
5 has the best gunplay, no question
Pre-patch, I'd agree. Then they fucked it
Yeah, I remember a dude in Youtube made Warzone footage with edited sound from the old games and the game felt like Halo, I guess the sounds make people think of the game as those get in our memory, so we relate them to the games inmediately, but 343 fucked up hard with sound design and honestly it sounds like what destiny should sound LOL.
having fun with the H2 beta I wish I can remove Anniversary bloat, I dont care about special H4 multiplayer or the updated graphics. Srsly 31 gigs
The biggest thing is the Score and the sound mixing. The score sounds like Hollywood shit and it doesn't sound right. It doesn't feel like it was considered when the game was put together like it was in the Bungie games
Best gameplay halo 2 mlg golden era. and 3 and 5 competitive online.
Best story 2 and 4.
Odst is just a halo 3 dlc it's interesting but nothing special. Halo reach is not bad but competitively its shit
sprint is trash
Enhanced mobility is trash
Frankie just posts on resetera all day. Infinite is gonna be trash. I love that Bonnie Ross got some made up award after releasing a bunch of shitty halo games. I wonder how much MS paid for that award?
>here's your remake bro
Halo 2, it's an undeniable fact. Anyone who disputes doesn't know what they're talking about. On top of that, Halo 2 on LASO is factually the hardest, beatable game of all time, bar none.