don't feel the slightest bit sorry for him user
he had every opportunity to work on it or get help fixing his shit and decided to be a stubborn lazy asshole
Enemies can make the game lag
He reminds me that back then, and even now, that we still have people who are in the same poaition as him. Although as foolish as he can be at times, he tries to get himself out of his shitty situation by soing something about it (streaming, making this game, being a fag on twtter while having a fanbase). Even if it's taking him a while, he's following his dream.
>Enemies can be killed with skill
>Developer patches it so it's not possible anymore
else if
not true, atleast you have self awareness.
>you’re a pedophile?
Why is he purposefully making the game more difficult arbitrarily?
Because he knows he isn't going to be adding more rivals and this shit isn't going to ever be finished so he's dragging this shit out as thing as he can. Being able to complete the goals of the game is bad.
>be yanderedev
>be given fat wads of money, fucktons of volunteer work, and at one point even dev support from tinybuild
>instead of capitalizing on any of this to live the ideasguy dream, flip your shit at the source of all the above because you're not only an ideas guy who can't code or make assets, but you're also an arrogant asshole who can't accept that maybe someone else is better at doing the game dev work than you are
>take over half a fucking decade and yet still fail to ship a beta with the first example of your game's core fucking mechanic in it
>don't even work on the game anymore, too busy raging at every email, discord message, reddit comment, and youtube video that isn't metaphorically sucking your dick