I want to get "paid in full" too.
>Just took the model and added filters on top
aww yeah
She meant paying with materia
Jessie is cute
as long as she pushes it out of her asshole, I'm fine with that.
>desiring a literal whore who will one day grow bored of you
Why is Hell House such bullshit on hard mode?
Three Tonberry's all casting an non-cleansable stun that homes in on you while Dorothy drops a house on your head is horse shit.
Nah, she meant hand-holding while sitting next to each other eating pizza
The Tonberrys are nerfed though so you should be able to murder them with Cloud pretty quickly.
As for the House itself make sure Cloud and Aerith both have Fire and Ice, put Lightning on one and Wind on the other, Hell House likes switching between Ice and Fire the most so you can get easy Pressures.
Other than that it's just a matter of running around, finding openings, and keeping your health up.
Did they literally pull the overtime card again?
can't believe people pay for this
Based and blackpilled
Welp, time to fap again
why do people pay for this thot to draw the same baby face over every anime and vidya character?
That's not Yuffie
Reminder, youre all fags
Thank god for sad panda
This is Patrick
Not him but it’s super easy to run out of mana
no way fag
>She dies
The butthurt will be epic
It's actually just not fucking fair, I get laid like once a year, meanwhile Cloud has 10/10 sluts throwing themselves at him and he NWFs the shit out of them, fucking piece of shit
can't wait for her reveal
I went into that battle with over 130 MP on both characters and finished with over 90 left on Cloud and 70ish on Aerith, but only because I had Aerith use a Firaga to end the fight because the Sweepers spawned and the House was low enough to be killed.
Conserving MP on Hard Mode isn't that difficult, pack HP and MP up on each character and you should have maxed out Prays and Chakras for ATB recovery. That plus Healing + Magnify on a high magic character with the Healing Carcanet should let you heal for cheap.
Interesting choice of words
She doesn't have anything to show anyway.