She killed millions

she killed millions...

Attached: default_Portrait_rebecca_fe07-1.png (420x480, 171.4K)

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she killed 56 units, actually. 117 combats.

>destroyer of dreams

Attached: perky.jpg (738x800, 87K)

but after the game? and what about the families who relied on the soldiers she killed?

Black Fang are a tight-knit mercenary group, they largely don't have families, which is why the entire group considered Nino, the adopted daughter of their leader, to be their collective daughteru.

Roy canonically sucked on those tiddies

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How did she manage that while riding the bench?

>benching 'becca
no wonder he was so powerful

>GBA archer
>female GBA archer
>killing anything

>implying igrene didnt dunk her nuts in every wyverns mouth

prepromoted snipers are a different case, they don't have to suffer through a shitty earlygame and come ready to use with good stats

Igrene gets x3 effectiveness, Rebecca doesn't.

she doesnt need it.

That experience gave him a fetish for older women with green hair.

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She stepped on millions.
I'm very upset that Google asked me if I meant "Severa"

Attached: Serra.png (591x1194, 560.96K)

she does in the japanese version, not that it makes her a good unit then
if anyone wants to experience the jp version of FE7 while still playing in english someone made a patch that reverts all the localization changes

How disappointing

Aristocrats hire wet nurses to nurse their children so this is probably wrong. Women don't just breastfeed each other's children. They hire subordinates to do it.

Rebecca is only the daughter of a village chief, she's not exactly a high ranking person
FE7 wasn't written when FE6 was made which means Roy's mother isn't something we know much about shes dead not long after Roy was born
It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility


And still gained 0 strength growths

>so powerful

That's not Cath.

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Micaiah killed millions

FE7+6 remake with actual avatar when?

Ill get to finish FE7 someday

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>with actual avatar

>Support her with Lowen
>Suddenly pops every nigga on the map

Attached: _4j0mfgzCStuyjTCEz6hsJf7pDdAMUbRaiYv8UkP_3M.jpg (1061x1149, 258.21K)

Alright, alright.

4+5 with customizable MU.

Bitch can't even kill a flying unit

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