Unassuming heavily-modified RPGmaker game

>Unassuming heavily-modified RPGmaker game
>Doesnt hold your hand
>Will filter you out mercilessly at any point if you're not prepared skill-wise or mentally and you will think it's impossible to finish it
>Visually-pleasing with all original assets
This game doesn't want to actively kill you, but it won't coddle you either. I can guaranteed that Brainlets/Skilllets WILL get stuck at certain points if they don't git gud.

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Pity bump.

How mamy routes are there? Any easier than the other?

What am I looking at?


the name is right there in the screenshot dude

only 1 route but multiple playable characters, it's not a long game. I'd say it's just about the right length for the story it wants to tell.

No, I mean what’s the gameplay like?

When I found out you can move the attack zones left and right the game went from a puzzle game to a mashfest.

it's kind of like space invaders where you 're shooting enemies that come from the top and want to kill them before the cross the red horizontal line on the bottom
except your character doesn't shoot bullets
instead your character has 3 attacks, A/B/C, each covering a different pattern of squares on the field
but each attack costs a certain amount of energy, which charges over time, and going from A - C, each attack gets stronger but costs more energy to use
also your energy bar at the bottom is your HP at the same time; each enemy attack turns part of your energy bar grey which also lowers your maximum energy
it's kinda merciless in that respect, and usually getting hit twice means you have already lost the battle

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no it doesnt
if you try to mash attacks you will run out of energy and if you mash attacks while your attack is set to one that you do not have enough energy to use, you will just lose all your current energy
in other words, mashing will just make you lose faster

Shit game.

Woah shit....
fuck it


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I played it and its extremely boring.
The artstyle is well done tho.

just because it's not flashing bing bing wahoo every 5 seconds, doesn't mean it's boring
it's also quite challenging


Is this an h-game? Are you award with h-scenes when you win or lose?


is this that stupid shit with the soda machines/soft drink girls

>RPGMaker game

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Okay autist, in other words it went from being challenging to being remarkably much more simple than originally perceived. It's a neat mechanic and granted much more interesting than the usual RPGMaker porn shovelware but it's really not as engaging as you're trying to sell it.

At least melon's art is god tier, maybe if the game were longer with more fights and more scenes this game would be really great. It's a shame the sequel is worse despite having more girls and technically more scenes. Here's hoping his latest project is good.

>Doesnt hold your hand
>Will filter you out mercilessly at any point if you're not prepared skill-wise or mentally and you will think it's impossible to finish it
this is the sign of a badly-designed game, stop thinking you're above anyone because you'll eat shit straight from an asshole while others won't


t. filtered

actually, what makes it "simpler" is when you start being able to upgrade the Maids
even if it is mandatory, when you upgrade their damage, some of the battles definitely become easier and requires less timing and finesse

if he went the extra mile and even changed the title screen layout, you'd have no idea it was an RPGmaker game

there are no animals

There is alleviation through pure numbers for sure but just the fact that you can basically cover any hole in your range of attack by moving left to right makes the whole battle system a lot less intimidating. It's a lot more difficult and interesting at first trying to find clever clear patterns with a perceived restriction, but then it's just whatever.

depends on which character you're using and what battle
there's a trade-off to moving left or right and that's leaving one column undefended so you risk not being able to charge energy back in enough time to use an attack when you go back to the middle

I remember liking the grape bitch but I don't remember if I used her the most, but energy management really isn't much of a problem. I'm saying the ability to move left or right gives your lowest costing tool a whole other layer of options and versatility. That fact alone makes every encounter easier once you realize this.

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like I said, it depends on the battle and the character, as well as how much the character has been upgraded
the lowest-costing attack for most of the characters will not save you if 2 or more enemies approach at close to the same time and one of them gets past the coverage area and you will just be fucked.
Also, I purposely don't use the characters with more versatile attack zones, like Melorine

name of the game?

it's in the screenshot