>This is the Doom Eternal audience
Rip and tear, huh?
This is the Doom Eternal audience
what kind of faggot watches this shit
Eat my huge 65 year old (aged) penus
I do, now what?
The Zoom Eternal audience I guess.
It's so easy to take money from coomers these days. You don't even have to be a woman anymore.
Doom is shit. Change my mind.
Looks like a Q3A map
Well, it should come to mind that your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't change your mind.
when is DOOG
It's not happening.
It's never happening.
What's wrong with you?
the guy who made this screencap just to fume over it
She's playing it today but it's a members only stream
She played it better than that game journalist
>no backseat
So what's the point of streaming? I thought you wanted that higher audience engagement, else you'd just shit out LPs.
LPs require some amount of work. Streaming is free money.
Fair point, still disappointing.
A fading dream, we could only hope
Mick Gordon
Look at this shitposting dragon.
I can't believe Coco is fucking dead.
Is it?
apparently she is the only Vtuber that bothered to play nu doom 1 and 2 front to back
that's pretty funny, not gonna lie
I will not reply to anyone who tells me to say sike
Unironically, Mick Gordon does there
ARK devs too, but watch some wacky shitpost dragon and makes twitters calling a fox doing Astronomia a cat.
And list goes on
I like the one with the anime dog waifu
Based koronechad.
Literally never, she bans you if you ask it
I'm guessing that since that stream where she thought about playing the game, gaijins kept asking her about it and now apparently she isnt doing it anymore.
Maybe she actually watched gameplay and thought it was too scary or violent.
i mean i could understand if she was playing doom 3 but the rest of them are far from scary