>you are a figment of an idealized city which is an amalgamation of everyone that lived in that city's memories having a collective dream for a thousand years after having been turned into magic statues that made you real so that you can defeat a giant robot that became your dad so they can finally die, except for you because you are not real, but actually you are.
You are a figment of an idealized city which is an amalgamation of everyone that lived in that city's memories having a...
And people are buttmad about time jannies. These plots have always been ridiculous.
You are really better off not chasing the end of the thread in these games. Just enjoy them superficially for the cool little music pieces and gameplay, on the rare occasion that jRPGs are actually fun to play.
FFX is pretty fun due to how slick and quick the combat is.
>but actually you are.
? Did I miss something?
And is sin really a robot?
Sorry it's been decades.
Anyone feels like the second half of the game is rushed as fuck?
Everything after the wedding feels like a joke. The entire arc of Lulu is brushed away in two minutes in the calm lands. Seymour transforms from mildly interesting to a full-on generic cartoon villain, the final dungeon is 3 minutes long. They even put a dogshit tetris puzzle behind one of the most important moment of the game for padding. Soured me on the whole game
If Dragon Ball Super and Kingdom Hearts had a child it would be FF7R.
Don't kick the Blitzball
I am a FFX fan.
I love to attack the fast monster with the fast character, the armored monster with the piercing character, and the elemental weak monster with the magic character.
I love it so much I'll play 100 hours of the same thing. Over and over again. With no variation.
Thanks for proving my point.
I just don't know how the summons and magic statues being secret humans made any sense even in universe. Kazushige Nojima just has a fetish for "created characters" gaining consciousness and having an existential crisis. Seriously, ff 7 and 10 and kingdom hearts is literally that same story beat over and over.
Did I? My point is that maybe all final fantasy games have ridiculous plots but 7R has outdone them all.
sin was just a puppet of yu yevon
Yeah in x-2 tidus is your husbando and you make him become real at the end. Also sin being a robot that hates technology is a big part of the game's irony.
kill yourself
Get help.
>tfw can't get teedus celestial weapon due to the retarded chocobo training/race shit
the race is piss easy, it’s Lulu’s sigil that’s fucking retarded to get
Originally, but then yu yevon gets absorbed and "becomes" sin, he is trapped and cannot escape and essentially becomes a tumor with no memories or knowledge of what he is doing, but being doomed to repeat it for all time. A medically braindead god.
A robot is mechanical tough. He is more like a magic creature like aeons.
Forgot the best part
>We beat Sin, but I accidentally blew my head off but I was revived and then I broke up with the girl that saved me and now Sin is back for no reason
The new stories are not canon, only the games are canon lalalalala
How the fuck do I win Blitzball I wanna do it for Wakka. Also fuck having to watch the cutscenes every time I try again
You dont know what your talking about. Many of the KH contrivances are present in FF7 original including the Remake Boss which is essentially a Weapon. Google that shit. Also FF8 has something called time compression and it drastically changed the ending while, 9 had the party fighting the personification of death. All this pearl clutching over Remake is by Zoomers and retards who are more than happy to ignore the silly history of the franchise in order to feel welcome by this echo chamber.
Why does Kazushige Nojima write so much about amnesia and angsty teenage characters "becoming real" because they are dreams, or clones, or computer programs or whatever the fuck, it is all he ever does and it is the most shit part of every game he is involved with. Fuck this guy and his shit writing.
Wow, you noticed common themes in his writing. It's like you're a genius or something.
And it is a shit theme that was too self indulgent the first 3 times.
The motivations and struggles of the characters were different enough for most. I'm not really interested in discussing this further as your like a dog with a bone right now.
Going behind your goalie makes you invisible.
Use exibition matches to get techniques, level up your characters in actual games, make use of marks and abuse the Jecht Shot.
Also if you just want the rewards, I heard you can do a trick to savescum the rewards.
Well fine, take all the fun out of it. We could have hurled insults at each other for hours but noooooo
It's best to disregard anything that is not exclusive to X.
That's because the time ghosts are an unnecessary addition, not part of the original story, people hate x-2 and following content of the X story because it also adds unnecessary content that ruins the original.
It's about changes and additions, not the concept itself, you could also phrase any story to sound ridiculous by doing it the way OP did.
Well said. The most hilarious part though is that these seething autists eagerly paid full place and sunk 100 hours into a game they claim to hate on this autistic hellscape of a board.
>you could also phrase any story to sound ridiculous by doing it the way OP did.
While this is usually a very valid critique, FFX is particularly well suited for that kind of description. Tidus being part of a collective dream of a dead city that then enters the real world is just impossible to describe in a non ridiculous way.
This shit and the shitty trials made me drop the game.
>Antagonists consists of a literal mutt, a spooky thot ghost, and a minature Reaper inside a giant whale that’s essentially a proto-Reaper