Was infamous any good...

Was infamous any good? I remember playing 2 but i cannot remember anything about it apart from the morality shit and the final boss

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2 was better especially near endgame when you have all the cool mobility shit and you're just lightning flying everywhere like dante. 1 was cool at the time but probably pretty meh now

1 is boring and it looked pretty bad even in 2009.
2 is good.

I'd say these 1 and 2 are probably my favorite ps3 games. platinumed both. Once a year I like to boot em up and just fuck around in them.

ice launch >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> firebird strike

2 was better in every way but 1 had black lightning which was the cooleat shit and choosing to get it maxed out your powers so it was really cool and blew my middle school brain

I liked 1 more, but I'm in the minority on that one.

Pretty much prefer all the ice powers, fire shit is boring. Maybe the rockets are fine, but ice was still the better choice in most cases

1 is decent, 2 is great, SS is meh and it's dlc was shit.

Forgotten franchise as a whole.

they were both amazing, hard to say which one was the better game. 1 had a cool twist and 2 had cooler powers. the ps4 one was pretty weak when compared to both but it was also a good game. I miss these sandbox super hero games nowadays, all we had was infamous and prototype, and the genre has been dead ever since

InFAMOUS was a fun franchise, but it was too similar to Prototype in its inception for my liking.

Beginning of Infamous 2 sucks.

Its an alright game. Pretty fun for a bit but it honestly gets tedious and very boring after awhile. It strikes me a lot as basically just an average game but because it is exclusive it got hyped to be much more than it deserved.

for some reason kid me loved that you could summon those tick things and they follow you around

Infamous 1 was pretty good albeit a tad basic in some areas. Infamous 2 is better in every way and second son is also pretty good but not as good as 2 was.
i am pretty sad that infamous died with second son. The set up was pretty fucking good

i made a thread a few days ago about it and the only games posted were

>Spiderman games
>That ps2 hulk game
>Saints row 4

I think Crackdown 3 and spiderman are the last real game for this genre. We need more shit like this.

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1 and 2 are good, i personally prefer the first but I think 2 is more commonly considered the better one.
dont bother with Second Son

1 had better feeling abilities and primary fire but was overall pretty drab.
2 improved on so much but there's no reason to ever pick the evil path because the fire powers are horrendously bad compared to Ice Launch and the good path gives you ridiculous abilities you'd think that would be on the evil path. It also is a lot more vibrant, the story feels a bit more interesting, Cole has an actual decent personality now, and there's a lot more variety in general.
Blood Festival is basically 2 but with vampire powers, it's short but was a lot of fun for what it was.
Second Son felt good for the first half but drops the ball severely once you do the first Augustine fight and never recovers. The first area is great, but the second area with the concrete wizards is so boring and you don't really care. The fact you have to switch out between each power instead of always having them available was also a very poor choice because there's never a reason to swap out of Neon once you get it whereas swapping would make Smoke and Video so much better. Worst of all Concrete is unlocked far too late with really dumb absorption conditions basically making it unusable. They also locked the Zeke DLC to pre-order only in the States. Delsin is also awful on both paths and the origami story felt like they wasted so much potential with it even though it was neat, plus the tease for origami and glass powers was unfair.
First Light felt like a refined version of SS but it was a lot shorter. The challenge rooms were neat though.

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nah newer spiderman games are crap. its just button mashing without any of the cool superpower shit, although the movement is on a league of its own. swinging around NY during ps2 days was incredible, and it still is to this day, but spiderman isnt flashy when compared to infamous or has any of the batshit insane stuff that you could do on prototype. prototype 2 was one of the ugliest, most scuffed games I've ever played, but it was also pure fun, that game was amazing

i've currently been playing prototype as well. I've been taking way too much damage on medium. do i get more damage resistant later or recover more health with consumption? Because most of the time i have to keep replenishing my health all the time.

>its just button mashing without any of the cool superpower shit,
What? Button mashing will get you killed in seconds. There's a constant ballet of gadgets, swinging around, swinging away, web zipping, spamming R1 to blind people, disarming, finishers, etc. I mean yeah, it's on the easy side until the Demons and Sable's cronies start getting involved but to say you don't feel like Spider-man is so confusing because it did a great job at that because you feel agile but powerful and you feel like Peter's gadgets all have practical uses.

>Because most of the time i have to keep replenishing my health all the time.
That's pretty normal for Prototype, on Hard you're basically carrying people with you just to absorb if you take a stray hit. You're using the shield ability all the time, right? Musclemass also tends to get you into way more risky situations than something like Whiplash I think it was called does, and Blade is more for 1v1 things like tanks and the giant mutants.

>that mission in 2 where it's a thunderstorm and you can go fucking nuts
Man that was fucking fun

ill unlock shields them. i thought i couldn't attack while using them.

I didnt say it didnt do a good job at making you feel like spiderman, its just that spiderman powers feel underwhelming when we have shit like infamous and prototype. I also havent played the ps4 one so I'm probably talking shit when mentioning the combat, but thats what it felt like when I watched some of it

They're a passive thing that absorb bullets and I think minor attacks unless you're attacking, then they're not active. I can't remember if they were omni-directional or not though. I know Armor prevents you from gliding and a few other things.

>its just that spiderman powers feel underwhelming when we have shit like infamous and prototype.
I mean, they all have their place. inFamous is if you want to be Static Shock, Prototype is if you want to be The Hulk but completely unhinged, Spidey is more if you want to be like Batman, etc.

I wish I had a PS3

aren't they like super cheap nowadays?

I got Corona'd out of my income

It was great game, I like how dark and depressing its world is compared with the rest, still has the best enemies out of the whole series but for me its gameplay is hard to enjoy now.

First Light is better than Second Son. Even though its so short Fetchs story is far more interesting than indian Troy Baker. Plus Arena mode in First Light is fun for hours

oh shit. well at least you will be able to buy another one after this is all over.

Infamous 1 was great but nothing beats the experience in 2 of storming a milita base at night with your team watching rpgs flying everywhere, towers falling, muzzle flashes on both sides, cool music, everythings hectic, meanwhile youre tearing shit up as cole throwing tornadoes and bolts. will never forget it

This. Black lightning as pure edgekino and is really cool as a teenager. I’m still a sucker for edgy black and red shit, orange in 2 was lame but it easily had better gameplay

Is this series dead?

I liked the choices and gameplay in both games
1 had a better atmosphere and evil karma Cole is awesome

Its because 95% of people pick the good choice. Darkbros are always left out.

Fetch’s powers were better than any of Delsin’s

Second Son and First Light were done for the launch of PS4 and the condition was so that Sucker Punch could do a new IP of their own (Ghost of Tsushima) which they've been doing ever since they released. If anything we'll probably see another one after that comes out.

>when this is all over
haha yeah

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will never forgive them for changing voice actors.

they have been working on this shit for way too long now we are almost at the end of the gen.

InFamous released 2 weeks before Prototype

I liked 2, but the only thing I think improved from the first game were the graphics.
Off the top of my head, the only thing that 1 did way better than 2 was the final boss fight.
The only thing I can remember that I disliked about 2 was that the flight ability for evil Cole used way too much juice for it to be useful. At least it gave me an excuse to use the web slinging.
Festival of Blood was the fucking best despite how I felt about 2 compared to 1 though.

I enjoyed Infamous 1 and 2. I got the first one free back when the PSN went down, way back in the day. They gave us options of several free games from a list and that was one. I've never regretted choosing Infamous. I eventually bought Infamous 2 on disc. a collection edition with all its DLC packed in. I really enjoyed Infamous 2, as much and more in various ways. I think both games are well worth experiencing as I've played both through all the way on the different routes.

Infamous Second Son is more flawed, in many ways, but, honestly, despite those it was still enjoyable. I don't go back to play it again the way I play Infamous 1/2 every now and then, but I did play through both of Second Son's routes, so I definitely got my money's worth out of it. Not the best game in the series, but not a horrid bomb either.

The one cool part about the fire powers was summoning spiders because I love summons in non rpgs. This broke the part when zeke rescue's you because the spiders spawned outside of the cage and killed everyone and zeke stood around doing nothing. The cutscene eventually continued but the game was ready to softlock.

Delet this

I definitely went with Ice Powers on my first play through. I didn't ever regret it at the time. When I went back through and got the fire powers I didn't hate them, but I definitely missed my ice powers.

That said you don't really have to decide, in the end. With full play through maxed out you get to have everything at once.

Yeah thats true too