How would you rebalence the sniper in tf2?

How would you rebalence the sniper in tf2?
I'd give him a internal mag so that after a certain number of shots he has to reload for a few seconds, making it so he has weak times where the sight line is clear

Attached: Sniper.png (340x340, 68.9K)

Remove him.

>player picks spy or sniper
>game immediately crashes

The closer you are the less damage he does

Get sniped, lol

He's fine just the way he is.
Get good.

Rename him to [VALVE] Niggerkiller

If he's not fun to fight against, stop getting sniped like a retard.

while being shot, headshots will not register as critical hits until his aim resteadies 0.2 seconds later
>this is the same length of time it takes for headshots to register when scoping in
reduce heavy's bullet damage by 25%
add a 5th bullet to heavy's ammo expenditure that is guaranteed to go down the center of his crosshair with perfect accuracy
>these numbers cancel out to keep his DPS the same, but he has better consistency hitting people at mid and long range if he keeps a bead on them
Literally the only thing that needs to be done with Sniper is make it so that suppressive fire actually suppresses him. He's such an easy target if you can close the gap, and advanced movement and suppressive fire would make closing the gap easy so long as you know where he is -- the same principle that shuts down a spy that's trying to violate your sphincter. Any other complaints need to be directed into the garbage can.

I would add some high mobility, difficult to hit classes that could get up in his face and kill him

or you could work with your team to bum rush and ambush him since he's usually where the sentry is anyway

make him 5 inches smaller, then no one will play him

Attached: 1587607881074.png (340x340, 67.46K)

>implying TF2's hitboxes make anyone hard to hit
You could double the speed of the Scout and he'd still get picked off cause the hitboxes are shit

he’s perfect as he is noob

Reduce base damage to 40

that change doesn't really affect much in the grand scheme of things for the core classes
>scout already wins against sniper
>demo and soldier have travel time on their explosives and their preferred approach is in the air anyway
>other snipers just shoot each other
>medic should never be in the sniper's sightline
meanwhile it throws a bone to classes that notoriously struggle with movement in general
>engineer wouldn't be able to do much other than save his head and duck into cover. Would make pistol more valuable but wranglerlol
>Pyro would actually be able to cross a sniper's path with a well placed flare. Scorch shot would need to be removed more than before because it's babymode already
>Heavy would be able to lockdown a sniper if he commits to tunnelvision on the sniper, which is a great invitation to get stabbed or otherwise mauled. If anything it'd give him the means of reacting to a sniper other than just accepting death or trying to hop away with futility
>in general, if you get close to sniper, he will usually lose since he can no longer get a lucky headshot in close range
Name a single downside to doing this.

reduce minimum HS damage to 75

huntsman has 15% bullet resistance

>t. Runs in straight lines

Sniper is broken and anyone who says otherwise is baiting for replies. There's a reason why hackers ALWAYS pick him.

t. 4k hours

I dont usually whine about sniper but man i am sick of getting sniped on upward.

Sniper takes minicrits while scoped and above a 50% charge.

make all snipers work like the sydney sleeper

Snipers in games have always been a problem because of their one hit kills, worse when they make it so a body shot can kill in one hit. As we have seen snipers are not weak at close range and trying to get across the map to not only avoid sniper lines but the enemy team is a whole chore in itself unless of course you also happen to have a ranged weapon. So how do you fix it?
>Suppressing fire does something other then make the character flinch a little for a second
>Have longer cool down times inbetween shooting
>Having a riot shield could help a little
>Artillery strikes and other remote strikes help but once again not a lot of FPS have them
>Have some concealment like bushes

Sniper takes minicrits while scoped and above a 50% charge.

>sniper main with unusual joins harvest
>starts shooting heads like an aimbot
>switch to jumper demo
>just fly to his spot and pipe him every time without him noticing me
>"I-I feel like I'm being focused on"
>eventually quits or switches class
works every time

Attached: 1580418388966.jpg (600x800, 70.03K)

Why rebalance? Everytime I see a sniper they die by pyro or bonkman.

Nvm they die by anything actually

Does no one in this thread know how to rocket jump? I've never had a problem with snipers, just bomb them untill they get salty and rage quit lol

Scout was made to win every encounter if he can properly ambush his enemy and unless you are playing on twofort or hightower you are going to have to get through the entire team plus sniper lines to even have a chance to fight the sniper to which you will just get jarated and bushwaka, assuming your scatter gun can properly shoot a hitbox properly.

>sniper can’t headshot unless scope is fully charge
>damaged is based on how far he is so he can’t quickscoop scouts 3 feet in front of him

Imagine dying to a sniper in meele range as a scout lol. You know a scattergun meatshot does >100 right?

This man gets it

Attached: 1581639195176.jpg (500x500, 39.65K)

>Expecting Yas Forums to even play the game

>assuming your scatter gun can properly shoot a hitbox properly.

>implying dwarves aren't based

>complaining that scattergun has trouble hitting a hitbox
>while ignoring that melee weapons have the worst hit registration which leads to shit like the Boston basher didn’t make you bleed but but didn’t hit the enemy

This only works for mediocre snipers or if they have a bad team seeing as any sniper can bodshot you in mid air killing your momentum, and killing you outright through fall damage if not leaving you with 30 something health even if you equipped the gunboats in which case you are even more dick less.
L2P scrubs.

Increase "zoom-in headshot delay" from 0.2 to 1 second.