Anyone got any games running? Dragon Marked For Death finally hit PC.
Anyone got any games running? Dragon Marked For Death finally hit PC
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Also any advice for Witch? How do I deal with having to dial in like 40 buttons while being unable to move?
So how do you get the new weapons? I want to go full Kuuenzan with the Empress.
Drops from doing quests, or buying.
Fuck that. Can I multiplayer with a pirated copy?
How far do I need to be? I just started. I'm at the Cthulhu quest and there's no small swords in the shop or black market.
You barely started dude. Weapons tend to go 5/10/15/etc. for level reqs. So that should give you an idea when you'll start seeing shit pop up.
Huh, they didn't do the half price half game thing on the PC port? Odd choice.
It's on sale for $30 poorfag. Or did you spend your Donald Dollars already?
>Donald Dollars
I'm a poor fucking college student so I didn't get shit.
Is this going to still be fun by yourself once the population is dead?
Should've gotten a job, then you could've, because you would've been filing taxes.
Still have to buy multiple copies just to play with my bros. Better now that we don't need multiple switch consoles, but I'm still waiting until it's under $20 before I down money for this. Kinda wish they split the game characters as separate purchases like they did for the switch, would have made this purchase a no-brainer.
Just give me a concrete time frame so I can speedrun it.
Running a Warrior build on Switch. I forget, does piety raise the amount of time I can keep the shield up or just how much I heal?
What contracts are my warrior bros running? I fooled around with Wind a little bit, basically lets you have infinite dragon points while in berserk mode to dish out insane Dragon Smash damage. I just hate that the shield is hard nerfed on that contract and I gimp nearly all my other damage focusing on Piety. Considering just going back to default Water contract. All the other contracts seem to have way too many downsides to make it worth it.
No you nigger I had a fucking job, but if you're claimed as a dependent by your parents you don't get shit.
I think it only raises the heal from my experience, but I could be wrong. Piety on Warrior is all about healing and dragon skill damage.
Water is probably the best all around because it lets you do everything without any massive downsides, yeah.
Damn son your zoomzoom got boomboom'd by your parents.
No it didn't, retard.
Is there a calculator for how much it raises the healing? Currently at 50 AGI and wondering if I should just invest in VIT or if PIE will heal enough to be just as important. I'm more concerned with survivability.
Literally a 5 second search on Steam.
How much PIE and INT do I want as Witch? And what do I do with Warrior, just AGI all the way?
Thats is honestly total bullshit. Same thing happened to my little sister.
Is there any way to power level in this?
Aren't there 6 characters? Does the PC version only have 4? Are they gonna be DLC or what?
It has all 6. You need to unlock the Oracle and Bandit, they're not unlocked by default.
Empress is the best character because then you're playing it like a true Megaman Zero, not some failed attempts by Inti-Creates to ape Dragon's Crown that whatever the other characters are supposed to be.
Post builds for her then.
You just gotta put in the buttons.
Witch is an anime fightan game where you can't move until you input an entire 50-hit combo
Sounds pretty good then thanks I'll see if I can get my bros to pick it up
>no Yas Forums groups
Why tho'
>mfw the Switch release of 3.0 got delayed
Fucking Gunvolt 3DS all over again, son of a bitch, Inti.
Sucks that I also can't find that NPC the game wants me to find to start the Dragonblood Bandit quest.
Unlock the quest brother and sister, and keep playing it until you get all the good drops while grinding EXP. After that if you can get a party together to grind with, use They Come From Hell or Marked for Death.