Admit it. This is what Banjo should of looked like in Smash

Admit it. This is what Banjo should of looked like in Smash.

Attached: nabbanjo.jpg (1200x1200, 129.93K)

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They look a little uhh... GROTESQUE... here.

Sure it would, but luckily did not happened.

nah, looks soulless

Sakurai contacted the people who worked at Microsoft and Rare and they went with an older design choice. If they wanted to use the N and B design, they probably would've. So no, I don't think it's what he should've looked like.

Attached: 1583354095317.jpg (1024x537, 49.95K)

is this the "steve won" timeline banjo?

Attached: stephen.png (939x690, 624.08K)

black "people" don't deserve rights, the hahacaust was a farce, gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

Attached: EWErq83XkAIMFUi.jpg (972x1162, 131.79K)

Banjo, Ken, and Cloud look better in Smash than in their newest games.

there's only one time line where steve won but that was the one where you killed yourself


>should of
Learn to write dumbass.

>Sakurai contacted the people who worked at Microsoft and Rare and they went with an older design choice.
Source? I've heard Rare claim that the design was mostly Nintendo's choice, and had it been up to them they would have "updated" more features. Thank every fucking god ever conceived that they didn't get that choice.

You're thinking of Steve Mayles there mate

He designed Banjo & Kazooie but he doesn't work at Rare anymore, he's at Playtonic these days

As if your comment wasn't enough to prove how retarded you are.

Terry too

As somebody who never wanted Banjo in Smash, I'll admit Banjo looks fine, but the Sonic like grins he makes in the last shot of his trailer, plus his clapping animation just make him look off.
That being said I hope Sakurai realizes the huge mistake he made this game and cuts Banjo from Smash 6.

sir, you just have reached your based quota for the day.

Admit it. You're mentally retarded. Scratch that, you don't need to admit it because it was painfully obvious from reading your post.

The wrench should've been a tether grab, and I will die on this hill.

Paul Cunningham was the main guy behind the smash design. He was an artist on a lot of Rare games including Diddy Kong Racing, Blastcorps, and Jet Force Gemini.

Attached: Screenshot_20200422-212610__01.jpg (1080x1568, 509K)

Go away, Stevie. People wanted a beloved character in and got it. He should stay as long as possible but I wouldn't be surprised if he's not in next game. Wouldn't be surprised if he was back, too.

You're never getting Steve in Smash. Cope.

desu if anything they should of included some of the music from n&b, that was the best part about it

Reminder that you probably dropped Banjo a week after he released, and joined the bandwagon for Geno or Sora, while Grotesque Steve still lives rent free in your heads.

Smash characters are almost always modeled after iconic versions of themselves with exceptions being made to advertise new nintendo games.
It's why ridley looks like ridley and not the weird ass purple and green version of himself.
Even his alt skins don't have that version as a choice.

>Mained Banjo day 1
>Loving every single second of it
>Listens to the music when driving
>Geno was my secondary pick for years
>Only comes onto this shit board to continue gloating and laughing at Seethy Stevies.
Cope more, loser. Keep grasping for straws while I have the time of my life.

Attached: 1579305943624.jpg (1125x947, 692.18K)

I main Ridley and play Banjo for fun against friends. Get bent.


>the hahacaust
I've been on this kike-hating site for over a decade and somehow I've never heard that one before. Thanks for the chuckle.

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Ridley looks so fucking good. Blowing the fuck out of never ever and doing it with an amazing tweaked design at that. The only thing Smash Ridley has from OM Ridley is the bone tail blade which even back during other M I thought was a cool idea. Just used on a garbage design in a garbage game.

>the time of your life is celebrating some cereal mascot bear as dlc for a children’s party game

They should’ve looked like that, but unfortunately markets have to pander to their customers because “muh feelings” “muh quality of service”, when making new innovations should be top priority instead of regurgitated trash

Please don’t bully me but...

I liked Nuts and Bolts a lot better than the first two games


Do you unironically think that ugly blocky mess looks better than their original look?

>bandwagon for Geno

I've been on that "bandwagon" so long I own property on it. Geno isn't just a trend bud

You rock dude. Geno is my other most wanted as well and there’s been many times I’ve listened to Banjo Kazooie’s OST while driving.