Attached: GameDev.png (2000x1037, 373.58K)

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I just discovered tinkercad, great program

I'm waiting for the semester to end.
What do you want from me?

Yeah I know the drill.
>working on project
>day ends, go lay down to sleep
>close eyes
>suddenly ideas for other projects that hasnt been done by anyone pops into my mind
>want to instantly wake up and start those projects
>never finish any project

Being too creative is a fucking curse.

kek me too senpai

how do i learn how to code

I can't post from a desktop at all, so just believe me without any pictures, i've made a bunch of animations and migrated to 4.25, since they went and updated the animation stuff in the engine and i'm keen on checking it out.

The problem isn't that you need to learn to code, the problem is you need to learn to motivate yourself. You aren't going to make a game in a day, you aren't going to learn to code in a week, you aren't going to get good at art in a month, you won't be a master of the UIs and programs you will use for awhile. You just need to buckle up and either accept the fact its a long road of learning before jumping in or realize you don't enjoy creating those things and continue to play vidya.

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Working on a top down shooter. Going good so far. As soon as I finish the ui and tutorial ill do the lighting and the background art

Attached: red_chaseV2.gif (129x131, 41.11K)

Trying to expand the story of my game.

Attached: ShowmeyourpeneDarkElf2isthisbetter.jpg (225x333, 34.24K)

Fuck it I'm gonna post some art for a project I'm starting on. Not all finished. Critiques welcome.

Attached: Tomahawk_01.png (657x877, 377.29K)

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Attached: Arboreal_02.png (1920x1080, 464.87K)

Attached: Gummyman_Red.png (720x719, 255.21K)

Finally got the Steam page up. Feels good man.

Attached: Screenshot1.jpg (1920x1080, 897.62K)

youre making a native game?


cute darkie

that looks awesome, did you work on that?

Congrats user. Looks neat.

No i dont, what is this

Your art style reminds me of the guy who did the original BroQuest art. Looks good keep it up but I'm also art ignorant.

Congrats user, hope you do well. How long was development time from beginning to end?

Want to make a 2d side-battle RPG similar to DBZ Attack of the Saiyans. Don't know what to use. Just going to keep drawing shit instead.

Congrats dude, your game stood out since the first time I saw you post it

Making a multiplayer lobby
There's no game yet

Attached: lobby.png (1273x712, 212.52K)

>learned to draw
>have the story done
>have the gameplay figured out
>everytime I try learning to code, I want to sleep because it's so fucking boring
I just can't do it. I feel at this point reworking it to be a screenplay and give this vidya dream up. That or make mobile games.

Attached: pain.jpg (513x307, 41.39K)

dev discussion
thats cool, owls were said to be reincarnated magic men

Obviously rpg maker.
Or if you are willing to learn a better engine then Unity.

To all game-maker fags, how much of glsl do you know?, and whats the fuck It's the roadpath to learn it?

where can i pirate assets

gamemaker does a lot of the work for you. You can probably learn it in a month and master in a year. imo learn godot or unity instead


RPG Maker MV is what I've been using, but the UI for positioning enemies on the battle sceen has just driven me away. The window for it is fucking tiny, making precision placement damn near impossible, and layering is based on how far up/down the screen the sprite is relative to others rather than just letting you choose a damn layer for it. It's a giant pain in the ass when trying to stack enemies in a certain way.

Thanks, yep I'm a solo dev.

Thanks user!

I hope so too! Thanks. Development started in March 2017. I had no coding or art skill so I feel like I've come a long way.

Thank you user that means a lot :)

I am aiming to release a demo around E3 time so I can't wait for you guys to play!

Attached: Screenshot12.jpg (1920x1080, 1.05M)

Tired of making my "dream game" because I'm too perfectionist and nothing satisfies me. And that makes development a chore. Now I'm making a game that will feature just whatever I find funny and I'm having a blast. Not having any kind of pressure makes development much better.

I'm wondering how to change a Player that gets into the party but remains an NPC in RPGmaker MV during battles.

Nice. Wishlisted!

Give me some ideas of what each tier of magic should do assuming im using the 3 basic elements (fire, ice and electric). always hate it when in jrpgs when you unlock the next tier of magic the one before becomes obsolete. Like why use fire 1 when you could use fire 2 and why use fire 2 when you could use fire 3? I want to make them all useful