Free Shit

Based Sony is giving us two (2) free games to play during yellow fever epidemic. There's at least 30 hours of content here. Fucking amazing

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>Not only both hav been given for free already but the nathan drake collection has been given for free 2 months ago

Fuck that

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They seem to not get added to your library for some reason. So it's more like a loan.

Why can’t Xbox give us anything better than Crackdown 1 & 2 and Too Human?

Great, two shitty games, it's what I've always wanted!

>mfw i bought nathan drake collection a week before it was free on ps plus
Does this happen to anyone else? I'll buy a game at full price and it'll either be free or very cheap within the next month

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happened to me a few times, which is why i don't buy exclusives anymore unless they are dirty cheap.
Also if you bought physical just sell it a month after getting it on ps+

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>4 movies

>Nathan Drake Collection came with my PS4

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make a german account for Knack 2 as well
it fixes a lot of what the first game lacked and feels like a classic God of War for kids

I bought l4d2 and a week later valve gives it out for free.

you know what might as well. it is free anyways.
do the japs get anything at all?

You can just do that?

kill yourself jojobrony

you can get knack 2 for free as well, just get a german account

Imagine calling yourself a playstation fan and not having played both of these games already. Playstation didn't give me shit (Although I guess uncharted in 60fps is cool)

no idea
yeah, they offer Knack 2 instead of Uncharted there. just redeem it, install, log back in your main account and play it, you get your trophies and all

yeah, in my p3 i used to have accounts for almost every country for when psn was down for a long ass time and they gave different games in each region. got a lot of stuff that month. you can also play them in your main account.

They're the only games xbox has

I have played the Uncharted games but not Journey, gonna give it a try when I'm done with No Man's Sky

don’t plan too much for it, it’s something you’re done with in 4 hours or less

Based Japs
I wish I had a Nippon wife with good dentures

So every region lets you choose English as a language when creating an account but Germany wtf

Id rather play these

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>4 movies
>meanwhile on PC...

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Even fucking gog gives better games than sony.

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but Yas Forums always says free for ps+ doesn't REALLY count as free. well guess what? now these are free for EVERYONE even if you don't have ps+

true, but the point was that they already gave those for (((free))) and the huge majority of the userbase already have those.

It would have been better if they gave at least ONE game that they haven't previously, especially because both games are from the previous generation, but at least no ps+ users will get some free shit.

Now you can experience playing games like the rest of us

Why don't Germans get uncharted? Censorship?

perhaps something about laws regarding violence and shit, same restrictions apply to China.
I think it’s another of those things about toning down excessive violence, but not necessarily censoring everything, like the bread monster in WoW or the thing about swastikas

I mean, the game is sold in germany just fine, but I guess they wanted to offer somehing more light hearted for a campaign that’s meant to calm people down or be happy or whatever