I present you the next Witcher. This series will also have a video game adaptation, and will also be regarded as one of the classics.
I present you the next Witcher. This series will also have a video game adaptation...
i've read 10% of it, i guess it's alright
Reading through Words of Radiance right now. It's good.
This is nothing like the witcher
Just remind Sanderson to always take the royalties. Not the single payout.
just ordered a paperback so I can re-read the series before book 4
It honestly would make a pretty good vidya, at least the camp setting of books 1+2. Mistborn book 1 would also work really well.
Are you retarded or just illiterate?
>book 4 coming out this year
>still stuck on oathbringer
why am i so shit at reading
I really like Brandon Sanderson's works, and I'm glad that book 4 is coming soon. Really happy that they destroyed the love triangle thing in book 3, I just want the two to be happy.
Also it sucks that I can't go to the library to get Starsight.
No need to be so hostile, it's objectively nothing like the witcher. It's its own thing, is that bad?
it gets tiresome, I've slept on top of my kindle twice this week already
It would just rip off gravity rushes gameplay
Neither. Just because it's fantasy doesn't mean it's like the Witcher, idiot. It's much more slower paced and intricate. It's not an action series
whoops meant to post this sorry
Im fucking stuck at Elantris, stop reminding me of my literate failures in fucking Yas Forumsideogames
>prequel trilogy sold so poorly that the third book isn't being released
Is it by the same author?
Wasn't he gonna write some books about based unga bunga dude?
>No L.A. Noire style game with crazy metal powers.
I'm at page 500 now. This is the longest book I ever read.
Imagine still reading Sagas in 2020.
Spoiler everyone it'll lose focus, fuck up or forget a bunch of setups and buildups, go several books too long, and have a terrible ending. Because. They. All. Do.
Go away you jaded geriatric.
learning C# right now in preperation for bannerlord mods tools. i got you bro
I dunno. I think Sanderson's characterization is pretty mediocre and he can't do humor or romance for shit, but he seems very good at pacing and sticking to a planned-out script.
In any case it's supposed to be 2 'arcs' of 5 books each and we're 3 books in already and it's stayed good thus far.
It got really shitty at the third book. Branderson just writes anime.
the library bitch was dumb but the slave guy's story would make interesting vidya
>How DARE he writes action scenes where characters fly around !
Branderson's favorite activity is to wank his worldbuilding. His female characters are absolutely horrible, something he probably picked up considering his main inspiration for writing was Robert Jordan, but at least Robert Jordan's female characters were annoying because they were written realistically, whereas Branderson's are annoying because he thinks every woman is either a sarcastic smartass or so stonefaced and frigid they make the ice caps look warm by comparison.
His prose is "accessible" and that's all I can say about it really. Every time he tried to explain something as if it were supposed to be awe inspiring it made me roll my eyes. It made me wish I was reading something by Tad Williams instead.
The game is literally official vaporware.
Don't kid yourself, bucko.
If flying around was the extent of it, that'd be fine, but giving every single character their own Naruto jutsu bishudo blast. There's like 12 to choose from and each have their own special snowflake abilities that wouldn't feel out of place in any generic shounen anime. Don't get me wrong, it's leagues better than the trash that passes for anime these days, but that doesn't make it any less anime.
The Stormlight Archives are good books but all the jumping between characters leads me to believe it would be a poor setting for a video game. It'll work very well for TV though.
Next Game of Thrones confirmed.
I'd be okay with that.
Because you're a worthless zoomer shit.
>stuck on a Sanderson novel
How. He is basically the most accessible fantasy author, it's why he's so popular.
Where do you guys buy your books?
audio books my friend, listen while driving, listen while working listen while shit posting listen while gaming, i read about 70 books a year using this method
>How DARES he write fictions with fantasy powers more defined than generic magic
Steelheart would make for a fun game and a pretty entertaining trilogy movie series do not @ me
>doesn't make it any less anime
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
I bet you must have excellent retention.
I liked it
I don't unless it's an obscure book that isn't available online, in which case I used abe
>around same amount of books but not audio
I can't do the audio thing.
>brandon sanderson writes anime!
>the last of us too many ladders!
>fortnite bad, but would be good if didnt have building mechanics!
Why is it that on Yas Forums the only time anyone actually explains their reasoning for something being bad besides just spamming "its shit" is when they're parroting some talking point they got from an eceleb?
Explicit Kaladin/Syl onahole scene during a huge storm with the Stormfather watching disapprovingly when
Suck my cock fag
get on your knees and assume the position
I know that you know you want to
Stormlight might be kind of tough to adapt because of how over-the-top it is.
i have awootism, ok?
>Branderson just writes anime.
That's why it's great, though. If I want gritty character studies I have the rest of the genre. Sanderson was raised on WoT, which is anime as fuck, and has distilled the good parts while avoiding the bad.
Sanderson writes great worlds and mythology that invites its readers to want to delve deeper into it. Unfortunately the character dialogue and interactions are so ham fisted that I have to fucking force myself to try and enjoy the characters.
Will the Wheel of Time show make people realise WoT is fucking dogshit where nothing ever happens ?