Alright boys, time to post your IRL stats in video game terms. Pic related is mine...

Alright boys, time to post your IRL stats in video game terms. Pic related is mine, I'm kind of a tard but I'm strong and almost as lucky as Forrest Gump.
I used the website
if you don't want to use it just start out with 5 points in every attribute with 5 points to spare and redistribute them yourself.

Attached: 202020.jpg (370x425, 18.14K)

Inb4 everyone giving themselves high Int and low Luck

this is retarded

Attached: stats.png (217x238, 4.11K)

Seriously, this. How do you determine such a thing? What is 10 Perception? 20/10 vision? 10 endurance? What, being able to run a marathon?

Give me some fucking standards and I'll be interested, but this guessing game RP shit is gay as fuck

i thought it was one of those dumb personality things
at least that would have been kinda neat

stop posting my stats, its not funny.

I guess? I expected a quiz or something.

Attached: stats.png (210x248, 8.5K)

Endurance is how much damage you can take
Agility is how fast you move
Perception is your ability to see things like if someone is trying to hold you up with an empty gun
10 is peak human capability
1 is disabled
Everything else should be self explanatory

>low STR, AGI, END, PER (haha such a nerd)
>6-7 INT (look at me I'm modest)
>1 CHA and LUK (haha no gf)
Here's your thread

ST - 2
PE - 4
EN - 3
CH - 2
INT - 5
AGI - 2
LCK - 7

5 is average human. Also you'd know what each stuff does if you played fallout.

>Also you'd know what each stuff does if you played fallout.
Holy fuck retard, the thread is about what you think your SPECIAL stats are in real life. What does what they equal in Fallout have anything to do with that? My point is you can't use Fallout as a reference point, you need things in real life to use as a reference point. Like I said, 20/10 vision (requirement for pilots) would probably be 10 Perception, 9 being 20/20 vision.

>tfw minmaxed terribly at character creation

Attached: peak human shittiness.png (248x294, 8.69K)

what if i have good vision but am really bad at directions and noticing things that other people try to point out to me

Buddy, I'm just using that as an example. I'll say it again, I'm just trying to say this would work better if we had some fucking reference points other than
>1CHA 1 LUCK (cause I have no gf lol)

Not that user, but these things fall apart pretty quickly if you think about them too hard

The way I like to see it is closer to D&D, where your ability to spot things is based on wisdom, because it is more like being able to separate the useless visual information from the useful information, rather than just having good eyesight.

>but these things fall apart pretty quickly if you think about them too hard
yeah you're probably right

1 in everything except a 10 in luck.

Thought luck was a dump stat

Attached: Screenshot_20200422-213818_Samsung Internet.jpg (543x597, 91.79K)

Are you millionaire?

wtf you're all negative

Attached: 1570646593444.png (429x577, 235.54K)

Nigga it's just a button to subtract points

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23 Fallout 3 Character Creator Builder - Vault 106.png (185x308, 9.27K)

ST - 7
PE - 8
EN - 1
CH - 3
INT - 8
AGI - 1
LCK - 8 (only active while not giving a fuck or highly intoxicated, otherwise equals 2)

t. negative statman

ST - 5
PE - 3
EN - 6
CH - 2
INT - 4
AGI - 4
LCK - 5

Ong Bak: Drunken Master

Something like that, very high speed and good luck and intelligence. no idea what perception is as I don't play fallout.

Attached: Fallout 3 Character Creator_Builder - Vault 106 -.png (729x839, 56.27K)


Attached: Capture.png (207x242, 4.31K)

i have no idea how i've gotten as far as i have in life, like i put in next to no effort but good shit keeps happening to me

Attached: Build.png (220x238, 7.08K)

10 charisma, 10 luck, everything else a 2 except for endurance which is negative 6 from smoking for 15 years

Thought the hyphens were minus symbols and you guys were are subhuman morons.

Shit thread but i have nothing better to do

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