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Well Yas Forums?
Brayden Lee
Jeremiah Jenkins
burger music starts playing
Luke Rodriguez
Shit combat
Intentionally UGLY characters
Pandering to tumblrinas and minorities
Brandon Lee
It's shit
Eli Thompson
Blake Thomas
and even with all that still miles better than any weebshit, really makes you think lol
Jack Perez
no cute girls
Andrew Brooks
the studio is located in the west
Ian Davis
>Shit combat
No, he said 'Western' not 'Japanese'
Jackson Lee
its fun
Jordan Kelly
Ugly female characters
Jeremiah King
>Ugly characters
>At least 3 asians, blacks and whatever other "minority".
>At least 2 gay couples.
>One tranny minimum.
>Terrible story.
Did I miss anything?
Jack Howard
>intentionally ugly FEMALE characters
Ryder Cruz
a brain, Yas Forums newfag
Joseph Gutierrez
Female characters don't go above an A cup.
Landon Barnes
notice that only 1 person mentioned gameplay
really makes you think about the opinion of Yas Forums on video games huh.... easternfags are just a bunch of coomers who dont actually play games
Elijah Ross
That's already too big
Aiden Adams
It’s actually fun
Julian Jenkins
Everything looks realistic and generic.
Ryder Myers
>muh Yas Forums boogeyman
not an argument, tranny.
Carson Nguyen
Nothing fun is allowed.
Christian Peterson
twitch prime exclusive loot
Gavin Cook
epic xD
now go back
Elijah Johnson
Why would anyone outside of Yas Forums have a problem with trans, minorities or gays
Camden Gutierrez
well, if the characters are insufferable, you can't expect me to be excited to continue playing the game
Oliver Robinson
Shallow gameplay mechanics to make it seem much deeper than it really is like crafting or leveling/skill systems that are just poorly implemented and are just trendy replacements for actual well thought out game designing.
Adrian Sanders
3d trannies are pretty gross desu
Carson Butler
it's first person despite it not being a first person shooter
Jason Brooks
>Story: brown hair white guy with a gun has to rescue his daughter from Russian terrorists
Anthony Carter
It's being played by someone that has had sex
Jeremiah Gutierrez
there's an openly gay character
James Nguyen
The music more about creating an atmosphere than being a melody-driven theme of a character, place, or idea. This distinction has blurred in the past decade or so as some Japanese devs have created strong orchestrated/atmospheric OSTs and indie devs inspired by Japanese OSTs of the 80s & 90s mimic their style, but it's a good tell.
I think it's really interesting to go back and listen to popular jazz music from Japan between the late 70s and mid 90s, because it massively influenced a lot of the vidya composers of the time.
Samuel Jones
nobody is telling you to jack it to them tard
Josiah Cruz
No gameplay
Cameron Smith
Gays are based. Trannies are just the other side of the incel coin. They're disgusting freaks who have deluded themselves into believing their own schizo reality. It's a lot like having a tulpa
Angel Hill
You mean like moeblobs screaming at your face for autistic retards that can't process subtle emotions so everything has to be exxagerated? Oh my bad that ain't insufferable to you because you are one, how does that tiny mongoloid cock you gobble on so much taste?
Austin Anderson
ugly girls
gameplay sucks
Connor Barnes
Have you met one? They're fucking freaks
Bentley Jones
you sound like a christian just 20 years ago before gays were accpeted
Jordan Martinez
Open world
Crafting mechanics
Tower climbing
Checklist type gameplay
Joshua Gray
>pro gay
>anti trans
Liam King
but plenty are telling to
Jaxson Thompson
bland and boring environments
bland soundtrack
obnoxious stronk independent wahman who don't need no man
atrocious character design, shit characters overall
abysmal story
shallow gameplay mechanics designed to lure you into spending money in micro transactions
Aiden Phillips
>muh storytelling
>muh character development
>no fun allowed
Jace Morris
Generic open world meme with some shitty 3rd person "action" gameplay.
Best thing about it is the modding which allows you to do anything remotely fun in it.
Characters are just shitty hollywood movie archetypes
No memorable music
Any sense of humor found in the game is tired referential bullshit, "irony," or the fakest banter you've ever heard in your life because being genuine is poison to these soulless motherfuckers.
Charles Mitchell
>ugly and gross, obnoxious stronk independent wahman that don't need no man GOOD and subtle, forward thinking
>cute girl making cute noises BAD
this is your brain on western ga(y)mes
Dominic Lewis
You will never be white.
Ayden Stewart
>obnoxious stronk independent wahman who don't need no man
There are many women like this in the west: agressive, unfeminine, loud. I fucking hate this character archetype.
Grayson Green
White women look jewish for some reason, they dont have blonde hair/blue eyes
Ryan Thomas
Thanks god.
Wyatt Sanders
I'm not white, so what? Western games are still garbage
Suck my dick faggot
Colton Brown
combat is dogshit
Gavin Kelly
Yas Forums hates it.
That means it has to be good.
Jaxon Allen
>you will never be an insecure faggot whitoid
Levi Powell
Cultural marxism.
Parker Carter
It's made by Capcom.
Jace Rogers
Hideous art style. I really don't understand the West's obsession with filth and generally making things look as grotesque as possible. Generic soundtracks that try way too hard to sound either EPIC or BADASS. Likewise the writing. Gameplay wise is 9/10 times a first person shooter or some dumb gimmick shit but occasionally there are good games like Portal and Mirror's Edge.
Nathaniel Lee
You will never be a woman.
Zachary Jenkins
>I really don't understand the West's obsession with filth and generally making things look as grotesque as possible
t. coomer who wants everything to look like cringy anime
Jose Garcia
this x100000
Ryan Turner
Bland and forgettable.
Lucas Jones
western games respect women and minorities
Kevin Myers
it's made by western devs
William Anderson
things don't need to look like "cringy anime"
but why do they need to be gross and off-putting?
John Hill
man i loved the new spiderman game but the character models for Peter, MJ and Miles looked like shit come on
Ryan Morales
There's breastphobia
Christopher Taylor
discord tranny
Ryan Ross
>they are all self hating subhumans
Like pottery lmao
Jacob Ross
name 1 (one) gaem
Hunter Roberts
You will never make good games.