>You shouldn't recreate things if people already know what happens.
What breeds this mentality?
Why do people think shock value is more important than execution?
You shouldn't recreate things if people already know what happens
That's just what happens when your industry is only afloat because you've managed to fool consumers into following multi-million dollar hype trains. They have no appreciation for quality, only novelty.
god original looks like absolute shit
I think I'm done with pop culture. I've got to start reading literature. What a fucking mess this was.
Nah, just the humans.
I know you think this is an opinion, but this is just shit you've read here put into a post.
I think this is just a defensive mechanism people are using specifically for FF7R because they either never actually liked the original or they think the people asking for a more faithful remake are some kind of coordinated tortanic shitposting campaign they have to defeat. I've frankly never seen anyone argue this for other remakes. In fact, I've seen the opposite. The remake of Resident Evil 1 is very often cited as a perfect remake, and it basically did what many people were asking FF7R to do by redoing storylines/elements from the original in a faithful manner while only being additive with its content. That said, I did enjoy the remake, I just don't like this retarded line of thinking that a remake has to be heavily removed from its source or else it's a "remaster" as I've seen assloads of people on here argue.
Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
Why would I want the same thing when I can still enjoy the original? Makes no sense to me. I also don't understand people who get mad when a movie doesn't perfectly follow the book. I already read the book, and I can read it any time I like. It's still there for me. Likewise with FF7. I can replay it any time I like by loading an emulator, what's the point? Just fancier graphics? I've never cared about those one way or another.
>Why would I want the same thing when I can still enjoy the original?
I point you to the OP question you ignored.
>Why do people think shock value is more important than execution?
>Why do people think shock value is more important than execution?
low iqs
Blow it out your ass.
Shock value/novelty is the only thing left now that irony has infested all fiction writing and hollowed out genuine appreciation. Caring about things is stupid, it's all about the constant wild ride.
it's just cope
everyone was hyped for a remake and then when it turns out that they went full retard with it, they're pretending like they never wanted a remake
I played the game and liked it cunt. That doesn't mean it was perfect or that people aren't rightfully worried about what Nomura can do to the future parts of the game given his track record. You people were the same ones shitting yourselves in anger over KH3 and Versus XIII getting warped into a pile of shit, but now that based Nomura saved Zack and your childhood waifu Jessie he can do no wrong.
Because it was disingenuous. Retelling a story in a different way in a different medium isn't "shock value", it's a retelling of a story.
>Changing things entirely because people already know the outcome and shock value won't work a second time.
>Not writing for shock value.
you're dumb as fuck
Again, you're being disingenuous by equating new takes on a story with pure shock value and I'm not sure why you think I should I indulge it but I'm not going to.
The new takes are pure shock value.
>Why would I want the same thing when I can still enjoy the original?
Why "remake" something, if you're not going to stay faithful to the original, when you could just make something completely new. That feels like trying to have your cake and eat it; more so with FF7R than with any other FF7 spin off or sequel.
> I also don't understand people who get mad when a movie doesn't perfectly follow the book.
Adaptation and Remake are completely different things.
>what's the point? Just fancier graphics?
Expanded characters, expanded world building, expanded set pieces, improved gameplay, improved script. Taking the original and fleshing it out more, especially for a dialogue heavy, story rich game like FF7.
The game's fucking producer confirmed that they changed things because people already know the outcome.
How is that not writing for shock value?
>Why "remake" something
People enjoy telling stories. Simple as.
i never play ff7OG and thanks to u fags posting spoiler without tag all the time now i aware what happened next so when i get the part in remake it absolute lessen the impact for my first time experience,get it? In a broader context,everyone more or less know what's happen next in the story from a way or another,so the experience can never match up to u see it first time
>why do you want the same things
because it's literally a REMAKE.
There are ways to spice things up. Take Resident Evil's remake. Now that's how you do a Remake.
>Someone post spoiler so you should change story so I can feel surprise :(
Dido kills herself.
Guess we better rewrite the Aeneid!
Did you even fucking read the post you're replying to?
Did you?
3/10, would Chang again.
>I also don't understand people who get mad when a movie doesn't perfectly follow the book.
I want you to tie a noose, hang it on your ceiling fan, and hang yourself. I'm embarrassed to be on the same planet as you.
Yes. I think you should as well.
You aren't even commenting on anything of value, just giving an user a (you)
>if every detail isn’t exactly how I remember it I’m going to shit up Yas Forums for two weeks straight with my autistic tantrum
What breeds this mentality?
FF7R SPOILERS: he mad lol
Because a Book and a movie are two different mediums.
This is quite literally, video game to video game.
There are no reasons to have the complete shift seen here.
I paid $60, SIXTY DOLLARS, to play the game I REMEMBER. And they literally stole that money from me by deliberately lying about the game's story and changing it. It's not even the same fucking story now. It's like a whole different one now. Why the fuck would I want that? Can you answer that for me? Can you fucking tell me? What is even the fucking point of arguing this point over and over again with idiots who don't understand that it's SUPPOSED to be the same.
FF7R isn't a remake.
It's a sequel.
Same concept as far as I'm concerned. One movie can still present a different take on a story in an older movie and there's nothing wrong with that.
I think people would be more forgiving if they left the subtle cues that something's amiss with the timeline for future games and they didn't just go balls to the wall time jannies right away.
That's not really what's at issue here considering almost every story beat was exactly the same from the midgar part, just expanded upon. What people are worried about is that ending portion and the shit about the time jannies. Since they were the ones making sure the story went like the original but all got destroyed, people are taking that as a message from Nomura that the future installments are going to be much further divorced from the source material. You should also take into account that this was a part of a lot of peoples' childhoods, so they feel rather strongly about it. There's also the shitposters who just smell blood in the water like with every other new release. I think it was mostly great, but you're going to see a lot more people complaining and jumping on the hate wagon if they do heavily change things in the story in the next part or if they do something stupid like actually remove story beats that were in the original.
>Book to Movie is the same as Video Game to Video Game
Wow.... Simply stunning
>Movie to Movie remakes
They get a fair amount of shit for that too. Rightly so.
Honestly if they had been more honest I wouldn't be as mad as I am. If it was called ff7 2.0 I would have thought oh look another shitty spin off and ignored it
Sure, you're more than welcome to dislike different movies having different takes on the same story. I just don't care or see it as a problem. I can still go back and watch the old movie any time I like. I enjoyed both the original and remade True Grit which had story differences, for example.
Why would I want more pizza if I enjoy pizza?
Square overly relies on FF7, but they have too little faith in their product as is. Its like Square both doubts itself and is way too confident in itself at the same time.
I see what theyre doing and it just seems desperate.
The same people are going to eat whatever comes out Taro's ass for the Nier remake/remasters though, you know that right?
My peengus hurt ow!!
No. Square cares about their product. They probably care too much and they keep fixing it until its broken.
While I dislike food analogies, this is more like you liking a pizza and getting offered a more masterfully crafted version of the same pizza, only it has some olives on it and the guy tells you the next one will probably have a shitload of olives on it.
There's no point. Low IQ retards are here for shitposting and droning, it'll go on for months maybe even until it comes to PC then they'll start saying it was bad all along.
> or if they do something stupid like actually remove story beats that were in the original.
They already did in part 1. I swear you guys haven't even played it.
Instead they scammed you, right? Stop pre-ordering video games.
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