I miss him bros

I miss him bros

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Who? There's four different snakes there

Are you retarded, they're all the same guy, named Snake. You always play him in every MGS

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>this autist again
Avoiding this thread like the plague

Not my fault you can't understand a JOKE about the protagonist always being labeled Snake regardless of the character and their implied character development when introduced in every Metal Gear and the Snake namesake being forced upon Raiden by the AI as soon as he's introduced.
You're being an actual retard holy shit.

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I miss him unironically

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Snake died on the tanker mission. Did you not play MGS2?

>taking that obvious troll seriously
Looks like you didn't even actually play the games lmao, the whole punchline went through your head.

When you see it...

You don't see Snake.

I skip V everytime i replay this series desu

No, I don't see snek at all
All I see are a faggy anime twink, Big Boss, and some gay Big Boss posers


>le different guy every time, but looks the same xD
Why are gooks such autistic faggots?

yeah, I started replaying them this year, been ages since I last did all of them. couldn't go past PW


Replaying V is always a great time.

>every time
But you play as the same guy in 1 and 2 tanker chapter, and 4
and you play as the same guy in 3, PW, and V GZ.

Fucking release modern ports already Konami.

GZ is good, PP is trash, eat shit

Solid Snake
>2 tanker
Iroquois Pliskin posing as Solid Snake
Some old senile nihilist faggot posing as Solid Snake

Naked Snake
Vic Boss
Big Boss

I'm still going for 100%. It's the best game in the series imo.

oh by the way the guy you see riding on the motorcycle in TPP is not Big Boss but rather Bad Boss


unlock highest rank and use it all the time. any time you get in or out of a chopper. or find yourself waiting somewhere for a minute, just put one down.

>autist unsurprisingly can't understand a joke
Avoiding (You) like the plague

Four? I count two snakes, a poser and somebody who is so cool he has to try to mimic two other dudes


Chapter 1 sure, 2 is awful to replay. Couldn't even bring myself to finish it and I got the all S-ranks achievements.

What happened to this series? I feel its whole purpose of being was to be a crazy conspiracy storyline game where its so well thought out and connected but it turns out the series never was able to fully match this vision. After 2 it seems like they just went way off the rails on that stuff and didn't know how to connect it well at all. Then it seems like starting with 4 Kojima lost his main guy that supposedly helped make the previous games a lot better than had he not been there.

Anyone know what I mean here? This series just seemed to completely fall off and became super shitty. And this was well before Kojima left.

>replaying anything past 3/Portable ops

Why the fuck would you replay a game that already makes you replay a shit ton of missions on your first playthrough?
Unless you're actively killing every soldier on the game you're a weird kind of autistic.