>"I-It gets good"
"I-It gets good"
Okay. Is there a point to this thread?
Every game needs to be given 2 hours at least, anyone who drops the game in 20 minutes has ADHD
OP on suicide watch
Imagine playing a game for 20 minutes before actually playing it. You guys are pathetic.
>it does
One of the biggest issues i have with hollow knight is how long it takes to get good and then it overstays it's welcome
>imagine playing a game for 20 minutes before actually playing it.
People who post ATHENIAN heads are often with the wrong answers
that's right
Shouldn't the zoomer be the one
ah whatever
>it does get good
>barely runtime/playtime left
>>it does
>them shit the bed at the end
Why is the Chad an ancap?
Every fucking time. I'm starting to hate things that aren't instantly good at the beginning simply because it's always like this.
People don't give games 2 hours because then they can't return it on steam.
>"it gets good 20 hours in"
>it actually does get good 20 hours in, but then you realize you wasted 20 hours because of something some retard on Yas Forums said
Short games with consistently good experiences with always be better with long games that are sometimes good and sometimes shit.
How is it wasted if it's good?
I had this happen to me with Nier Automata so I decided to stick with it all the way through and it was still fucking shit.
Nier goes good ->shit (9s)->good (rest of the game)
Sorry to say this but you fell for a meme. Automata is coomershit.
it doesn't become good again because by the point of beating 9S's playthrough you're so fucking burnt out by the game with it's hideous overworld and it's bland combat that you'd rather hang yourself
>It's really good in the beginning.
>But then, it starts going to shit at the half-way point.
>tfw they blew their load at the beginning and never bounced back.
You can tell whether a game is going to be shit within the first minute after you get control of your character.
20 is incredibly generous.
I can't disagree even though I like the game
No, Every souls game feels like ass as soon as you get control of your character, but when you play further it's great
Imagine giving a game that much time before you decide if it's good or not. When I boot it up if the title screen doesn't make me erect and hyped the moment I look at it I immediately refund the game on Steam.
product placement
Kill yourself retard.
Because the 20 hours that arent good arent worth the good that comes after.