It does get better. Right anons

It does get better. Right anons....

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only money matters,
these hours on the computer better be producing software, design or something useful, or else, you are fucked

Not for people like you.

fuck off wojak cuck

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pity parties are

You can make things better if you go and do it. You can't just wish that things will be okay. Start going to bed earlier, maybe try spending an hour a day not on the internet and you won'y be wasting you life away as much.

Then once that has built your strength you can go out and take an active stance on self improvement

Why is he on the computer all day instead of playing games?

World/life be like that if there’s no purpose. I was in the same boat...

Look into Islam to find out Who created you and why... but you need proof it’s real. Muslims say the Qur’an (Word of God) is this proof as it has yet to be replicated (its form) since it was revealed 1400 years ago.

So worth looking into at least. I did and it saved my life.


"The miraculous nature of the Qur'an is miraculous due to the fact that when we exhaust the reality of the Arabic language - 28 letters, finite grammatical rules and words - we exhaust it... and we [still] can't produce the form of the Qur'an.

If we do anything [to try replicate the Qur'an], it still falls into the category of prose and rhymed prose or poetry."

- Hamza Tzortzis

Who showers at 7pm?

not much different from a wage slave desk jockey


>3pm fap
My life might be shit, but at least I'm not there yet.

Today I laundered my bedding, cleaned the grime and chipped away the mildew around my window and spackled in the holes, dusted the furniture, took two walks, and took down the tacky anime posters from my walls. I feel about 10% more human.

have a creative outlet

Kill yourself. You have no excuse to keep living.

>3pm fap
i can only fap at mornings now, and only the days i wake up with a boner. Getting old is no joke, especially when you ruined your brain with internet porn for the last 15 years

What's wrong with that? Are you retarded? I shower everyday after work, but usually this is around 2:00 P.M or 3:00 P.M. Sometimes I'll shower in the evening right before bed since I find it relaxing.

I can't shower in the morning. Don't know why, but I'm too groggy and tired to get in the shower in the morning, even though it might wake me up. I just feel better showering in the afternoon/evening.

Not OP, but thanks for the tip user. It's obvious shit, but sounds a lot more enlightning when heard from another person.

>Look into Islam

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This is the first time I've ever considered the possibility of a Muslim browsing an image board.
Pic related, it's Biggs the cat, the one true God.

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Clearly too much FF7 shitposting.

Very young and misguided

Only if you make it better.
If you sit and wallow in your sad existence, nothing will ever change

I am 76 years old and Big the cat has led me to salvation, as he leads all of us both in life and in death.

Why would you bathe at 7 and go to bed at 2?

based and islampilled
I hope you will be fasting for this upcoming ramadan, user

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It doesn't

I used to bath in the evening a few hours before bed. It was nice. But I was going to bed at around 10.

How old are you, grampa?

>Very young
We can see you pitching your tent from here mate

lol no, wagecucks worship money, chads realise that it's all pointless anyway so you might as well just play games and have fun.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA shut the fuck up mohammed
>we can’t produce the form of the Koran
Why? They’re too stupid to write? Someone had to have written it