This is Microsoft's only successful console
say something nice to it.
This is Microsoft's only successful console
say something nice to it.
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reminder that xbox has never won a console generation, not even with the 360 when it comes to sales numbers
The original xbox was also successful. it was the 2nd best selling console of its generation. it BTFO nintendo despite being a new comer no one had heard of.
The original Xbox was successful. I wish I still owned mine it could output NGB widescreen natively.
Wasnt the OG Xbox powerful as fuck?
It won in that regard
The 360 also had double the RAM compared to the PS3 and a better GPU.
Its general knowledge that the Xbox was more powerful but I dont think people understand how big that differential was. Hook up a PS2 and Xbox to you 60 inch 4k right now Xbox will look fine PS2 will look like nasty crap. This console did 720p 60fps Soul Calibur 2 and was a fucking treat.
Why cant we emulate the Xbox yet
because nobody bothered to preserve anything because they assumed it was just windows and then it turned out to not be just windows so all we have is shitty high level emulators
the only good xbox emulator is locked to the xbox one
PS2 wasn't pathetic but due to a quirk in the way the console worked, its VRAM was too small to store a 640x480 progressive scan framebuffer, so many many games were interlaced only.
Interlaced video looks terrible on a flatscreen displays, but CRTs tolerate them very well.
Why did you post a chart full of literal lies
Where's the lie?
Wait, I thought the Gamecube was the most powerful of the three.
Xbox > GC >>>>> PS2
Your right, and the few games Xbox does limit to 480i are pretty yikes.
You know Capcom if your digging around the back catalog looking for remastermakes...
>16 players via Xbox Live
OG Xbox was the best of one though. Just because casuals dudnt jump on til 360 doesn't mean it was shit. With that being said Xsex is going to be fantastic.
>The 360 also had double the RAM compared to the PS3
No they basically had the same amount of RAM. The 360 had 512 MB unified memory (+ 10 MB of eDRAM) while the PS2 had 256 MB for Cell and 256 MB for the GPU.
Microsoft never released a successful console.
This is cope. only thing the ps2 had over the GCN was memory. it had awful textures, no AA, and no shaders.
>a graph for a single year
The number of GameCube games which used its AA can be counted on one hand. It has a hard limit where the console is capable of using AA unless it is rendering at 640x240.
PS2 can emulate shaders through multipass rendering. It has 3.5x the pixel fill rate of GameCube, so not a big problem.
PS2 texturing was mostly shit though yes, and that's because Sony messed up.
PS3 won
>AA can be counted on one hand.
it would have been more if it had the proper support like the ps2.
>pixel fill rate
you mean shoving a bunch of ugly particle effects
>Sony messed up.
they always mess up their console specs.
The GC pooped all over the PS2. Multiplats looked as good or better on GC when PS2 was the lead platform and the games were ported to GC, GC exclusives crapped all over PS2 exclusives and games made for GC and ported to PS2 looked and ran significantly worse on PS2.
360's release exclusives were based. Dead Rising made me want it over the PS3
>it would have been more if it had the proper support like the ps2.
Rendering in 640x240 sucks, and there's no way around it to get GameCube's AA working.
>you mean shoving a bunch of ugly particle effects
>they always mess up their console specs.
PS1 was almost flawless though, considering the time.
>Multiplats looked as good or better on GC when PS2 was the lead platform and the games were ported to GC
>the GameCube version is clearly a step below both the PS2 and the Xbox versions as far as in-game visuals go. Never mind 60fps, I'm happy when the GameCube SSX Tricky runs at 30 frames per second!
>The [Gamecube] frame rate bogs down whenever you're taking a look at a large section of complex geometry--the Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Skater Island levels are the worst offenders here. Some sections of Tokyo cause the frame rate to drop rather drastically.
>PlayStation 2 version only rarely slows down
>the GameCube version also looks slightly washed-out when compared to the PS2's vibrant colors.
>the [Gamecube] cars don't reflect hardly anything and what does reflect looks rather shoddy. Meanwhile, Xbox reflections are pretty solid, as are PS2's.
>The GameCube version...falters the most out of the three considering framerate
The Japanese version had the best shmups of gen 7.
*ruins you're summer*
STarted out great, had those hardware failure issues (mine had the graphics board fail in 8months) but eventually Kinect came and they never recovered.
>This is Microsoft’s only successful console
Despite the abysmal launch and your snoyness, the Xbox One actually sold around 50 million units and got Microsoft a net positive in billions of profit rather than the PS3 which put Sony billions in debt, not that it makes the Xbox One good of course
>Rendering in 640x240 sucks
admitedly, AA was limited in general for that generation but at least it and the xbox were capable of doing so unlike the ps2.
yes ugly. devs had to make up for the bad texture work by putting in a lot of smoke and mirrors.
>was almost flawless though
yes, it was the only sensible design.
lazy devs
>lazy devs
I could say this about RE4 on PS2 and every other time a port didn't work out