She's probably going to be more sexy in remake 4

>she's probably going to be more sexy in remake 4
>more tomboyish, smarter, a little feisty
>ballistics will still be intact and have better physics
>Yas Forums still mad


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Depends on who’s playing her.

>going to be more sexy
I don't think you understand how all of this works...

>ballistics will still be intact and have better physics
>implying the Ethics Commitee won't make her flat and give her a Lara Croft outfit because it's "realistic"

The people shitposting never played RE4 to begin with and don't intend to they just need a new topic to piss and moan about like the tourists they are. Endlessly trying to fit in with buzzwords and fake outrage.

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Come on now, who hasn't played RE4? It's available everywhere.

You can't make this bitch any more sexy. She's pure rape bait already.

>implying she won't be flat as a board and overly cocky while saving leon multiple times

her ears will become bigger while her chest will become flatter

She's just gonna be some model's face. No skirt, no big breasts or ears.

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>escort mission
They better not fuck it up and let me put her in a dumpster for half the game again

I don't care about your coomer autism or fancy for fetal alcohol syndrome, there are going to be bigger issues with the game.

Back to discord and dilate, tranny.

This is Yas Forums were talking about.

I can't say you're wrong.

>not liking the game engine that makes every woman look like a tranny makes me a tranny

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The No Way Fag scene probably won't even happen.

Who cares? The real issue is that the remake is going to be super serious and thats not fun.

Using “coomer” automatically outs you as a discord tranny, tranny.

>durr Yas Forums doesn't play gaems

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Point proven as stated

Every character besides Ada has been a downgrade. Why would you not only expect, but actually full on say that it will be different in Ashley's case?

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Well if she's the president daughter and REmake 4 comes out in 2022 she will look like:

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lolno she will probably be your average woke college student feminist who saves leon many times

Yeah. Just like they made Jill sexier, right? Youre clearly in denial OP. but its ok. You can always replay the original (available on every goddamn platform) when things DO go south.

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Out yourself more, transvestite.


Only pedos want this

>more sexy
>more tomboyish
Choose one and only one.

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>tfw downloading RE4 yet again onto my Switch after having played it on the Gamecube, PS2, Wii and the PC re-release

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She's going down ladders first and catch Leon to break his fall LOL. You'll never be in a position to get the pervert remark again watch.

Nah she's supposed to be 20-22 in the game.

>the remake will never happen

We can move on from this 0/10 bait thank you.

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Big deal we're gonna get sfm models either way. Americans have always been ashamed of sex because otherwise the state can't enslave people as easily.

Please tell me this is fake.

She's a college student, she's 20.

Hopefully they drop the Julia Butters ears in the RE4R model.