
Give me a reason NOT to pirate this.

Does it hav girls like pyra and Nia?

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No, what it has is better gameplay.

>shit MMO bullshit
>better gameplay than element slots

Melia is the most fun and engaging playstyle in any Xenoblade game. You can't prove me wrong, least of all claim that something from XC2 is better.

Xenoblades combat doesnt take half the game to become tolerable.

To be honest with you..
>Gacha prevents you from making the proper party builds that you desire to make, since the Blades you pop are randomized, and Overdrive Protocals to swap Blades are rare
>Combat doesn't begin to heat up until about 5 Chapters into the game, and you don't get all your mechanics until the tail end of Chapter 3
>Arts, and their effects for the most part are incredibly similar for each Driver, beyond a handful of moves, and some Drivers being better than others with specific weapon archetypes, whereas each character in XB1 has a designated role, on top of debuff/buff arts
Say what you want about XB1's combat, but it doesn't take a good half of the game to get invested into.
>B-But I got tired of waiting for cooldowns!
Artbooks, user. Use them.

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You want them to make better games with higher budgets? Then buy the game. Also yes, it does.

A thousand fucking times this. Everyone in XB2 shill threads tells me the arts are just as varied as XB1 and it's just not fucking true. Yeah sure, this one attack inflicts self damage, what are my odds of coming across it in ten playthroughs without significant grinding? Infinitesimal. And the game is balanced around the idea that you won't get every blade until the postgame, unless you minmax to fuck and back, making most weapons on most characters feel incredibly samey.
and the
> muh cooldowns!
argument APPLIES TO XB2 AS WELL. Except now your cooldowns are tied to auto-attacks, which no longer happen while you're moving, so you are PUNISHED for taking advantage of moves with bonus damage from the side or whatever.

because the game never sold well to begin with on the wii.

Auto attacks resetting from movement is a good thing. It's how you charge your arts quicker. Flicking the stick after an auto attack will make you do much faster auto attacks than if you just sit there.

It's actually a good game, unlike XB2.

no. this game isnt for pathetic weebs

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I figured that out retard, but it's so piss easy to do it's barely "tech" and the mechanic that enables it also PUNISHES YOU FOR MOVING in a game with previous installments made more interesting by the requirement that you move to fight better.

i mean, good luck with the frame rate bub

So the only thing that makes combat interesting is moving around?

I played X and enjoyed it, is this more like X or like 2?

>Does it hav girls like pyra and Nia?
I may be a Xenocuck myself but at least I don't worry about mediocre characters with worse voice acting. We got Melia. She's the only one that matters to most people.

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It really isn't true. Most of the arts, and characters in general have similar art sets, outside of a couple of designated moves for each character. Yeah some characters might have better sets with a specific weapon than others, but it doesn't exactly change much.

The combat's similar to X's but it doesn't have mechs unfortunately (at least player controlled ones)
In terms of exploration X is a lot better than both games but I found the environments in 1 to be more enjoyable than 2's
Sidequests are probably gonna be a let down from X's but you get a lot better story in return

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Imagine liking the worst characters ever conceiving in any JRPG

Elements aren't that important in the grand scheme of things. Driver Combos, Blade Combos, and Crit Healing setups are what really make the game fun for me. Elements are only relevant for Fusion Combos for me, otherwise Seals are borderline useless for the most part, and I don't want Elements to return for XB3. If they do, I'm not complaining, but there's better ways to give the combat more depth. Hell, I'll be glad if there's no Blade System at all.

Blade combos and varying builds make xc2 infinitely more interesting than xc1 combat imo

No, but Xenoblade 2 removed and/or downplayed a lot of other things that made it more interesting too. Like, once again, the game was balanced around the gacha, so a character's "essentials" have to be covered entirely by their first weapon type. It's three arts with even a chance to be unique versus a minimum of eight.

How about having characters that all play uniquely instead of a game that's generic gachashit where every character ends up playing completely the same and there's no incentive to switch of Rex, especially endgame.

This is wrong. every blade comes with 3 passives specifically so they build into themselves. it doesnt matter what you get in gacha, itll be useful no matter what. the only thing one blade will do over another is change the driver's overall class

I fucking love Xenoblade but the only way I'm not pirating it is if doesn't leak before eshop release.

I don't think that was his point. I think the overall point was that the combat honestly felt more active since movement was more prevalent to the gameplay. In 2, you could honestly just sit still, auto attack cancel, spam your Arts, and proceed to do whatever. Positioning didn't feel as important, which sucked.
Nia was fine, personally.


>Every Blade comes with 3 passives
XB1 had passive effects too under the name of Skill Trees, though? I think XB2 in general could have been better if the Arts were more varied between characters, and debuffing/buffing arts were a thing. I think Blades do have them, and they're called Blade Arts, but they're so much of an afterthought that you forget they're even there.

Can't we just have ONE Xeno thread without this petty infighting bullshit?

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> passives
These do not make the game more fun to play. They make the times BETWEEN gameplay more intricate and unique, but where's the actual fucking gameplay improvement? What about them makes up for the fact that arts are all bland as shit?

How about you make the experience unique in how you fight instead of how you set up your build before a fight?

No, but you will be made to care about the girls as more than just tits with faces attached, because they're actually characters



You say this like every JRPG doesn't have it's share of minmaxed, or optimal build setups in the end/postgame. XB2 falls victim to this as well. There's just a wider variety of Blades, but again, most of the arts feel similar as hell between Drivers.

every single xeno thread gets derailed so i dont know what you were really expecting
i wish we could return to convincing OP to give Monolithsoft more shekels to produce more takahashi crack

Fiora is more of a plot device, Sharla has one major arc in the first half of the game and stops being relevant, and Melia is basically the only girl with consistent relevancy. The girls arguably have more prevalence, and development in XB2, ironically

The environments in 2 are better in terms of general themes and what not, but I still love the overall exploration in XB1 a lot more

>Fiora is more of a plot device
>The girls arguably have more prevalence, and development in XB2
Dear God

Yeah, XB1 loses that round, but it's not like I find them to be bad characters. They're just simplistic. Meanwhile Melia gets a shit ton of focus, and an Epilogue chapter.

Sharla, Melia, Fiora.

and you can strip them down