ITT: We pretend Roger is gone

>You are a Sega of America executive
>Roger Craig Smith prepares to retire, and no longer voices Sonic
>You get to pick anyone in the world to be the new voice actor for Sonic
>The only rule is that Iizuka doesn't want it to be any of the old Sonics, so no Jaleel, Martin, Ryan, or Jason
Who would you want to be the next voice for Sonic, Yas Forums?

Attached: roger the craig smith.jpg (1710x900, 178.39K)

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Ben Schwartz

Just replace him with some other western idiot, who cares about foreigners? Only the Japanese original matters

But what if the Japanese Sonic gets to voice him in English now too

I wish they would just stop dubbing and release the original Japanese version, Japan is a closer ally of Canada than America could ever hope to be.
America invaded us and tried to colonize us three times, supported republicans here, and even sent Irish Iberian Papists terrorists to Canada.

Patrick Warburton

What about him for Knuckles, and David Spade for Sonic

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>The only rule is that Iizuka doesn't want it to be any of the old Sonics, so no Jaleel, Martin, Ryan, or Jason
You didn't day anything about sound alikes

he's every character, including the female ones

People who can do good impressions of past VAs are 100% on the table
That means you could even answer this dude if you wanted to

Does he even care about being Sonic?

Does he do a falsetto for characters like Amy, or is it just always his normal voice?

What the fuck is with all of the sanic threads up recently? Did a mental hospital recently experience a mass breakout?

We always had these threads. They just constantly change the format. There are the Sonic "Chad" threads, and before that, the "Post your unpopular opinions about Sonic" threads. And of course, the Rouge the Bat spinoff begging threads and the BIG FAT BAT TATS threads to compliment the Cute Amy threads.

I don't know dude, I didn't really pay attention to what other threads were up, I just wanted to hear some funny ideas for Sonic voices desu

Don't you have a PS4 vs Switch console war thread to be in

various degrees of alpha

Matthew Mercer

Avoid anyone who is a Naruto Dub Voice Actor, get a tv actor like

Ben Schwartz is far better than I thought he would be, usually Sonic VAs have a rocky first outing. I think with practice and real direction the Sonic from that real time whatever could even be a good pick.

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That tranny does not sound like any Sonic. Just a guy trying to sound like what he thinks Sonic sounds like.

Literally the worst possible choice.

Max Mittelman would be the ideal Sonic voice at this point

Whoever sounds the closest to Jason Griffith.

I don't care, it won't make the games any better

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again, let's avoid any english dub actors.

Holy shit, I take back my pick that's fucking awesome.

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This guy would be great as Sonic in a game without shit writing.

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Jerry Seinfeld

And why? Why pass up a perfectly good voice for Sonic in favor of someone like Ben!

>Only the Japanese original matters

Didn’t mean to the exclamation.

Yeah, Seppo dubs are trash

I want someone who sounds similar to the OVA voice

Sonicdude3, find him

Sean Schemmel

Fuck no, get that drama queen dickhead out of here.