Why would you play a game more than once? You already experienced over 90% of what it has to offer, the remaining 10% are probably not worth it compared to experiencing over 90% of another games content.
Why would you play a game more than once? You already experienced over 90% of what it has to offer...
Why would you make this thread over and over again you autistic shiteating kid ?
>Why would you watch a movie over again? You already know what's going to happen.
>Just watch another movie
>Why would you want to eat something more than once? You already experienced 100% of how it's going to taste.
>Just eat something else.
Why would you go to Yas Forums more than once? You already seen all the shitpost threads that repeatedly get spammed. Just go to another website.
Exactly. Don't watch the same movie again.
This is bait.
Why would you make a thread more than once? You already experienced over 90% of what it has to offer, the remaining 10% are probably not worth it compared to experiencing over 90% of another threads content.
I like how no one responded to OP question
Doesn't matter, he's already experienced 90% of the responses the last time he made this thread.
This thread alone he should see what second play through a offer
Because it's an addiction
If I could stop I would
Why would you play Tetris more than once?
Because there were more/better options for how I could've played it that might provide me more fun to try, and I liked it and don't want to be done with it forever because I beat it once.
Tetris isn't structured like most videogames are nowadays.
My autistic friend also only play games trough once, he also only watches films once and then deletes them.
You cannot complete Tetris though
That's the opposite of autistic behaviour
Autistic behaviour is falling into a routine and doing the same stuff over and over again, also datahoarding.
He either doesnt show that symptom in this one aspect of his life or is so self-conscious about it he over-corrects by putting restrictions so he doesn't fall into that trap.
That said, that is pretty much normal human behaviour and you'll find most people do exactly that, except they don't download shit but stream it in a shit quality with watermarks.
This only applies to very short action games like DMC, honestly they're mostly shit.
This is the obvious truth
Why not?
Everyone revisits fond memories, in our heads, with our friends reminiscing, or even re-experiencing things that may have been important to you as a child.
Imagine what you can learn about yourself, your thoughts (metacognition), and the perspective it would give you. You're privvy to an entire new set of contexts than you were as a kid, you can "touch the bottom of the pool" now so to speak.
Why would you eat the same food more than once? You already know what it tastes like.
does Yas Forums really
Shut up little cracka ass bitch
because maybe, just maybe, I enjoy playing games
food analogies actually work though, you just don't accept them because you have nothing to say against it
what doesn't work is shit analogies
The same reason you'd watch a movie or show, listen to a song, read a book, or eat a dessert more than once. Sometimes you can actually enjoy the same thing again if you aren't a joyless cynic.
But if you've already taken a shit, why would you shit again? You've already experienced 90% of what there is to experience about shitting.
shit analogies are about the shit, not shitting so this works
Why would you make a thread more than once? You already had the dopamine rush from the first one. Why make it again? Wouldbe best if you changed your bait.
If there was enough good content out there, of any given medium, you'd experience a new one each time
Film and TV are prime examples
Do they really?
Shut up fat
What if the game has more than one game ending?