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Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!
Attached: 1583292420762.png (488x435, 306.21K)
Attached: bernadettabook.jpg (730x411, 139.82K)
Attached: Berns.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)
Best Black Eagles girl!!!! We love BERNIE
Attached: A1323C2C-C123-43B8-BE85-993BCD4D89C4.jpg (762x1080, 190.56K)
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I like Bernie, but this thread is going to be nothing but obnoxious faggots whether you like her or not. INCLUDING me.
Fucking watch.
Attached: 1573523306051.jpg (693x981, 66.42K)
Attached: 1566186986230.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)
d-delete this
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Attached: yz2ha3j5dwd31.jpg (1137x640, 82.38K)
That's the good shit right there.
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Bernie is impure
Attached: 1566185851777.jpg (4032x3024, 3.13M)
Not surprised Yas Forums likes a shitty autistic cartoon character.
the game actually tells you that boy was going to kill her
yes inject the crits right into my vein
Just started Black Eagles finishing off Golden Deer. I thought Marianne was fucked up but holy hell, What the fuck is up with this chick
Attached: MA21.png (422x473, 382.82K)
They are both insane
Attached: 1587015070157.jpg (924x851, 127.22K)
They are both qt3.14s
Attached: BernadettaMarianne2.jpg (1937x1510, 213.27K)
Attached: Berns and Marianne.png (872x900, 880.47K)
Attached: Bernie.jpg (1024x819, 63.62K)
well vee, did you save Marianne?
Attached: MarianneLost.jpg (640x675, 72.76K)
Marianne is perfect
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Attached: EAcoPPsUYAAs11L.png (399x399, 228.19K)
I love Marianne
Attached: MA12.jpg (850x1183, 183.97K)
>I thought Marianne was fucked up
Attached: MarianneAngry.png (178x185, 61.77K)