You can't defend this shit

I feel comfortable masturbating to the visuals in this game.

>classic Sonic's the right shade of blue on this cover but nowhere else
What did Sonic Team mean by this?

What? The OCs you can make?

Wow you're a piece of shit parent. He'll probably turn out just like you, maybe worse.

Attached: dfgdg.png (600x863, 203.89K)

>thinks he can declare tapped creature as a defender

It's always the soundtrack that makes it out alive.

Honestly? I like some of the remixes more than the main song mixes. The melodies are great, but the heavy synth and mishandled Genesis sound for classic's stages are pretty bad. The songs I thought i'd hate the most in the Avatar stages are the ones that sound natural for what they're trying to do by comparison.

Attached: 034694694634.png (147x131, 51.09K)

It has good music, its fun to replay and 100%
You can play as shadow in every sonic stage
Other than the physics being fucked which you can get used to with enough time there is nothing wrong with the gameplay
Wispons are fun to use and you will have to change them up to suit the stage as each stage only lets you power up certain ones
Its mediocre, not 06-2