Danganronpa thread

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How about no?


fuck off danganautists
Now that that's out of the way, i enjoyed UDG. Toko and cumaru we're great together and the world building was nice.

Why is dangan hated so much in here? there are worse series

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>people actually enjoy this crap

Kaede calling you a GOOD boy!

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>Your turn to die
>Alter Ego
what do these games have in common?

So the announcements were a disaster right?

I love Ibooky!

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They're nowhere near done yet.

Why was Miu calling Kaede flat ?

making Junko as mastermind was a mistake


Those 1st 2 have good openings.

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Kaede isn't fat. I've posted this numerous times. Her BMI is a healthy one due to her official low weight against her height.

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So is the despair arc of D3 anime slice of life mostly? I loved episode 1 a lot, hope it stays like this.

It goes to shit very quickly, and not in a good way


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christ, this is just pathetic to look at

I would have sex with Monaca

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Danganronpa 3 - Future Arc - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.08_[2016.08.01_09.15.43].jpg (1280x720, 94.26K)

based Monacaposters

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You are perfect to look at retard

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Yeah, I'm know I'm perfect, because I'm not still making the same shitty, milquetoast posts about muh gentle femdom fetish literal years later. Get a life.

It was a typo. I meant to say pathetic! I do have a life idiot. I have a normal 9-5 job and a girlfriend. It's night time, why would I need to get a life at night?

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Don'y worry user i believe you!

Thanks, user. There's no reason for that guy to be hateful like that. Really rude desu

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Monaca did nothing wrong.

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What makes one addicted to despair?

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How can makoto be a virgin if he fucked komaru and kyoko?

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virginity is a mindset. nagisa sperged out and backed off the kiss. he is also a SIMP cause monaca never cared about him and was using him
the virgin makoto got backstabbed and was used by sayaka AND kyoko. he got bad luck when it comes to girls. whatever happened in dr3 isn't canon