Post the last game that really made you feel something inside

Post the last game that really made you feel something inside

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Rin best girl don't @ me

I love Reisen!

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Its been so long since I played that.

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>listen to the ost by offchance one day on youtube
>all the memories come flooding back

>no miki route

First time a game (or VN) made me sob like a baby.

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I read about this game a long time ago, but I forget the details. What's wrong with the two on the right? And I'm guessing the blonde on the far left is blind?

>previously never paid any attention or had given any thought to dating at all, just didn't have the kind of time or drive to at that point
>play KS, realize how god damn lonely I am
>years pass, hope is dwindling

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From left to right
Burn scars / trauma
No arms
Deaf + mute
No lower legs

im one of the people you bought that game for like a month back. thanks OP, i really enjoyed it. finished it offline on my laptop while at work in a fire station

That reminds me:
>Sci-Fi VN where you play as a therapist trying to help some space soldier get over his PTSD
Yay or nay?

>Yas Forums pretending like they would date a disabled girl but most of the people on this board would never in real life.

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Was it anger at buying a shitty game?

I just want a game where I can emotionally abuse cute girls

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Surprisingly got them to start running though



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At how one person can spend so much on cocaine and one studio be so greedy.

Not that user but glad you enjoyed it anyways. Funnily enough, I was also gifted the game from a friend.

Whats with her eyes? She isn't even the blind one.

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>KS actually pointed out how messiah complexes are a bad thing to have and how the girls shouldn't and don't want to be be coddled
>""""""spiritual successor"""""" misses it entirely and makes it so all of the girls need (you) to save them
Hopefully never.

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>Super tall and lanky looking
>Only 5'11

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half based half cringe

same as hanakofags and komifags basically

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the last cutscene with pic related makes literally every cry

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Body proportions don't equate to height

> Katawa Shoujou.
> Game about handicapped girls who don't need a hero to come and save/protect them. They just need a friend and someone to rely and express their feelings to. The player isn't their knight in shing armor saving damsels in distress, but is actually more broken than the girls, and whoever you choose you grow stronger, and happier together.
> Utsu Shoujou
> Pretty girls who need a man to save them! These girls are miserable and only YOU can put a smile back on their faces! Save them from their shitty lives and become good housewives who are fully dedicated to you!
Fucking desperate nerds with a saviour fantasy make me fucking sick.

>makes it so all of the girls need (you) to save them
Development hasn't even started you retard.

Yes. And everyone know Hanako fans are the worst.

Only the ones that didn't actually play the game, since if you coddle Hanako you get the bad end.
So probably a solid 80 percent of them.

their fundamental character descriptions already show them to be desperate for someone to cling to like some kind of baby

Look at those descriptions and try to tell me they aren't specifically designed to cater to that complex, dipshit. The only one who doesn't have one is the shortstack.

I recomended the game to a friend who went after Hanako, but raged about how shitty the game was because she got pissed at him despite "doing everything right!"

I would often go there.

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>play katawa shojo
>inadvertantly choose the choices of what I would do in RL
>end up getting drunk and falling off the roof literally every time
fuck man, I just wanna sip some whisky and hang out with my homie.

Those were physical disabilities. Someone who's having mental problems absolutely needs help


Yes, this game made me feel something. I feel pure rage whenever I see this deaf little bitch. Fuck this annoying cunt, the only reason anyone ever chooses her route is because they have been misled into believing that there's an option to get with her friend instead somewhere down the road.

I do not like Shizune.

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So is this a thing or just a "Hey reddit look what I made!"?

I think I read somewhere that someone else wrote the second half of her arc, and that he hated her character and just wasn't into his job.