What is your HONEST opinion on this company?

What is your HONEST opinion on this company?

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They make etrian odyssey so they're alright

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Used to make fun turn based RPGs with a dash of monster taming
Now just waifu sims which is fine if they weren't so fucking shallow and devoid of any depth

Bethesda of the East, but even worse than Bethesda.

The only reason Yas Forums still gives this company a pass is because of waifus.

They make pretty good games but they're getting pretty scummy with DLC practices. I don't understand why this costs just as much as the game itself.

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I’ll be honest I’m not even sure if all the dlc in that pack adds up to 60 bucks separately, there’s only a few things


Being retarded about releases in general and acting like Game Freak is a good company to plan the business model of their products after.

I find their absolute loathing of PC hilarious and at the same time inspiring.
It takes an special brand of black heart hate to invest money, time and resources to discredit a certain platform.

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Sleezy and disorganised

It might considering the Kasumi costumes are $15 by themselves.
I really feel bad for Japan though since the free legacy DLC wasn't a thing for them they had to repay for all the DLC vanilla had.

They've never been the same since bought by Sega.

Got fucked up by some corporate shenanigans
Went bankrupt even if it'd been doing alright

This, but not because port begging. Atlus has no idea what people like about their games. They actually believe that P4G got popular solely because of Marie, and not because of the word of mouth popularity that P3/4 had years to generate which led to everyone jumping onto a modern release. As a result they've shoved a clone of her into every remake from now on and ruined it every time.
They actually, seriously planned on removing party customisation from Etrian but thankfully the japanese fans gave them hell for it before the game released.

Liked P3 where the focus was on main plot and characters on the side.

Then it became just quirky characters all the time and no tension.

Blind to what makes their games good. Actively hateful/fearful to their legacy games because they know that they can't compete. So they make a bunch of style over substance games in terms of actual storytelling, which is enough to pull the wool over casual eyes, but it makes me question the how they have fallen this far.

Instead of embracing their history they run from it like a bunch of cowards, or damage the property to suit the tastes of no one who cares, like fucking SJR. The public doesn't give a shit about SJR so why fucking screw up the art and writing for now reason?

Also their retarded policy toward DLC, PC, and streaming is draconian to the point of nonsensical.

They've been shoving in the retarded new girl shit since before Marie though. Metis was there, and there is Kimishima of Trauma Center. They weren't nearly as bad as god damn Marie though. It is only because this time P4G struck it "big" but it was in spite of Marie instead of "thanks to her.

>announce games centuries before they're ready
>market only one game at a time
>waste time rereleasing games on gen later with one waifu for some reason
They have some talented people there but their practices are absolutely fucked and retarded.

I don't really have a positive opinion. I didn't enjoy it when they gave Etrian Odyssey DLC because nickle and dime. Reused assets from 10 years ago for a new game. They stayed with the gimped version of #FE for the Switch release.

fan exploitation

tbqh I can understand their policy towards PC.
>The only platform with a piracy problem (you pretty much have to void your Switch's warranty and lose online functionality to hack it and PS4 piracy will never work)
>Thanks to said piracy, PC games have been able to play most of their catalog for free
>The few PC gamers who actually pay for games never pay full price and are willing to wait literally years for a discount

If I were a publisher I would avoid PC too.


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They're missing some serious cash from the Switch audience:

>Sell Persona 5 (the original game) at $60
>In a couple years sell Persona 5 Royal at $60 too
>Nintendo fans will, without a shred of doubt, buy both

>Here's the game
>Ok now here's the improved version of the game at full price again
>Here's half a dozen spinoffs


Too Jewish

Mixed bag. Lots of good games, lots of shit games and lots of questionable decisions made

They make good games
They reveal their projects way too early
Shit DLC practices
Completely tone deaf when it comes to listening to fans

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As long as they keep making etrian they can be as jewish as they want, I pirate all their games anyway

too much waifu/dancing shit

Avoiding pc is a good thing though. PC ports never bring success.

>what the hell happened

I have pirated every well known atlus game on ds/3ds, and then some. Everything gets pirated eventually, PC is not the only one with that problem.

Snoygoys out in force today

Metis doesn't count. The new story is about Aigis and MC, not her.

Console piracy is the exception, not the rule. During the fifth and sixth gens (even the seventh because the 360 got cracked very early) console games not only survived but thrived even when pirating was as easy as buying a modded console and having someone burn the CD / DVD.

PC gamers? Pic related has always been their motto

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Remember when they had a stead stream of releases during the PS2 era? Good times

Consolefag, lol.