Only people who played Demon's Souls before Dark Souls was even announced can post in this thread

Only people who played Demon's Souls before Dark Souls was even announced can post in this thread.

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Oh boy oh boy

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dbschads report in
bluebloodfags need not apply

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Demons and Bloodborne are the only good souls games, its a shame that they're also the only ones not on PC.

What about people who didn't play Demon's Souls before they didn't play Dark Souls?

5-2 kicked my ass really hard. Fuck that one black phantom with the meat cleaver.

imagine being able to enjoy dark souls games after playing the masterpiece that is demon souls
could never be me bruh, i cant relate

where is the so called remake fags were talking about

I'm gonna post here anyway

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I guess I count. Played an hour and got bored.

Then I gave it to my friend and he enjoyed it. I would go on to beat every other Souls game. He “was fine with just the one”

I'm playing through Demon's Souls for the first time right now. I was doing a magic/melee build because I didn't want to be a melee one trick but magic feels strong as FUCK.

Should I just restart over as melee only? It almost feels like cheating.

95% of the people who played it did after dark souls, specially in this underage den that is Yas Forums

I'll slap ur shit m8

I bought a ps3 for FF13 as an 18 yr old but it sucked donkey dick so i sold ff13 for demons souls cuz it looked dope. Never made a better vidya trade then that

Read the rules of this thread retard.

>specially in this underage den that is Yas Forums

...wat ?

Honestly I still feel like DeS was better game overall than DaS. mechanically it was a mess, but the environment was better all around. the bosses were varied even if half of them were just shitty gimmicks. and the setting was new and interesting.

honestly, even the giant pillbugs were more fun than anything I can remember in DaS.

I wish I could play it again, but no more PS3 and the emulator always wonks out on me.

Do you seriously believe most posters here are above 18?

Not him but you should be glad your thread isn't overrun by shitposting kids so give him a break, it could be worse

As someone who has been playing games longer than you have been alive, I just wanted to say "OP is a faggot".

Reporting in. I miss the generals before Yas Forums went to shit. Recently replayed it on RPCS3 and it was great seeing it at a respectable res and 60 FPS.

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I found des in a shitty shop for like 8 pound when I was younger, one of the most memorable experiences of any game I've ever played

>Buy used copy of DeS
>Note falls out of the box
>"This is a really fun game, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did"

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>where is the so called remake fags were talking about
That remake was hyped as a PS5 exclusive. Tell me, is the PS5 out yet user?

Nigga do you actually believe that your sentence was proper english ?
Of course half of the meme shitters are kids, but that's not what I was pointing out

huh i heard it was a ps4 game first though, i'm more interested in 60 fps Bloodborne honestly.

I played it. Got stomped and went back to it months later.
It was alright not really a fan of the souls genre. Sekiro looks good tough

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No, you heard cries for it as a PS4 game first. No signs of a possible release existed until PS5 development began. Even then, it is very reasonable speculation, but not quite solid evidence.

DS3>DS>DeS>DS2 (they are all good games though)

This filtered me hard as a kid and I regret not having the disc anymore.

I loved the game back in the day because there was a shortage of new games with classic RPG character creation and that let you fuck around as much as it did. That's probably one of the biggest weaknesses it has, with that amount of costumisation, it's very hard to balance a game, and some classes are just better than others.

It's the weakest entire in the franchise. DaS2 would be worse if not for the DLC. I will say that 1-1 is probably the best opening level in the series, apart from the boss which is "unique" but lame as an actual fight.

Can I be here? I knew about Dark Souls but I wanted to play Demon Souls first. This was only a few months before DS2 came out.

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I completed it 4 times before servers went down, may I come in?

If you played DeS for the first time on RPCS3 you're a fucking disgrace

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>coomer gets filtered
like pottery

stick to your senkan kagura tit burst ex games fagola