"I hate them, user. For what they did to our discussions and our theories...

"I hate them, user. For what they did to our discussions and our theories. So of course I want them to get perma-banned!"

"But...XC2 shitposters are not like the others. They're people! Like us! Are you really willing to kill another Xenoblade thread?"

Attached: 1453770788285.jpg (1280x720, 115.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I hate memes, Dunban



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Does XB1 have skill checks like XC2? That shit is so fucking annoying.



thank god

That scene was so fucking stupid, it's a shame because Dunban's previous duel with Mumkar is pure kino.

Can't have our main character do something controversial, what if people hate him like they hated Shion?

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My bigger problem with the scene is how they just fucking kill off Mumkar anyway because the writers realized that there's absolutely no way to redeem him. If it at least made Shulk realize that sparing a genocidal manic was a bad idea, but it doesn't because he fucking dies anyway.

The Egil scene is basically a better done version of this scene anyway that fits Shulk's character more.

For the thousandth time, the scene was narratively about Dunban, and Shulk's change in world view at this point in the story makes sense.

Mumkhar technically offs himself. They spared him, but he kept being a seething child, and tried to spark some more shit. It was a convenient death to swipe him from the story, but at least he died at the right time. For as much as people complain, it could have been far worse. He could have stuck around doing absolutely nothing, or chased them through the Mechonis. He was irredeemable, and he had solid closure for his character. That's what's really important, honestly.

Shion was controversial because she was basically an accurate depiction of a female. Lets her emotions get the best of her judgement, and so on, so forth. That aside, the scene was clearly focused on Dunban.

It wasn't the best scene, but it wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.

XB1 gives you a lot more freedom, honestly. You don't have to worry about character builds being limited by Gacha, or arbitrary Field Skills blowing the screen up with every Blade you have. Combat doesn't take up until Chapter 4 ~ 6 to start heating up, either.
Why do you clowns keep comparing one game to another that isn't even out yet?

Ive never played a game in this series, are the old pre nintendo xeno games canon?

>Fire Emblem Overrated And Also A Bad Smash Rep vs. Kinoblade
Tough choice.

XC2 is easily one of the worst games I've ever had the misfortune of playing. Music was great tho.

Its incredible how divisive that game is opinions are absolutely all over the place
I havent played it yet because of it, waiting for a price drop that will never happen.

May a well wait until you are able to emulate. There has been some pretty good progress on it.

That's not even the biggest issue here.
I've said it before but my personal gripe here is that this is a dispute between Dunban and Mumkhar and Shulk really has no business or right to get involved.
The fact that Dunban just agrees with Shulk afterward too also seems like a copout, since it re-centers the story on getting to Fiora when killing or sparing Mumkhar has NOTHING to do with Fiora.
It's also weak as hell to just disney-murder Mumkhar afterwards instead of having Shulk's decision to spare him have weight.
Typically character decisions are considered meaningful if they have a consequence for the character but with Mumkhar, they basically got to kill him in a way where they didn't feel bad about it

I'm excited to see if the yuzu people can actually figure out how the game could be better optimized in general, beyond just powering through the bullshit with better hardware.

Not really
SquEnix does nothing with Xenogears but fucking refuses to let anyone else play with their toys that they, themselves, don't use.
BamCo lets KosMos appear in tons of different things but mroe as a cameo than as part of the lore.

>since it re-centers the story on getting to Fiora when killing or sparing Mumkhar has NOTHING to do with Fiora.

Did the main part of the story just fly throuhh your head or what? The entire reason shulk set out to kill all mechon was because mumkhar killed fiora and the emperor, so arguably, shulk has even more reason to kill mumkhar than dunban does. Its a parallel of breaking the cycle of revenge/hatred that caused the fighting between the bionis and mechonis.

Killing mumkhar wouldn't have made Shulk feel bad about it, he wants to kill him as he said so himself, he just would have perpetuated that cycle and continued to be unsatisfyed.

I mean it definitely has it's flaws, but I still had fun with it most of the time.


This, Shion was great BECAUSE she was a cunt.
But nope, now instead of flawed protags like her and Fei we just get generic shonenbros. Elma could be good, but like everything to do with story in X its too soon to tell.

>Shulk really has no business or right to get involved
This has to be an epic shitpost. What the actual fuck were you playing? The entire reason Shulk sets out on his journey, is because Mumkhar literally stabbed Fiora, who he was close to, and destroyed his town. What the fuck are you talking about?

Your cock...

It did not fuck deep enough.

What's that you say?


He killed millions.

Attached: Egil.png (317x479, 174.75K)

>100 hours into Xenoblade, about to enter the world tree
>Got me some Beta Scopes and Mythra with a 55% critrate
Holy shit this game is actually fun now.

Yes it does

To avenge, what, dozens? How many machina were there supposed to be on mechonis anyway?