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All games should have added ntr routes!

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>Who knew deception could be the ultimate muse?
>Yasushi makes a living as a nukige writer and spends long hours away from his young wife, Mariko. He begins to suspect that all is not well in their marriage and his suspicions are confirmed when his wife admits to carrying on a torrid affair with another man. Yasushi is wildly jealous but he can't help but be turned on by the onslaught of images his mind creates: images of his wife cumming over and over again in the arms of her lover.
>The story within the gameplay is told in five stages:
>Yasushi's suspicion when his wife begins to act strangely
>Mariko's admission to the affair
>Yasushi watching his wife and her lover having sex
>Yasushi experiencing the joy of being a willing cuckold
>The emotional epilogue.
>An emotional yet ultimately sensual adventure awaits you as you immerse yourself into the poignant sexual tension.

The switch is saved

>8 Jan 2019
Damn it's vaporware.

Call me when Marina's sequels get translated.


T-thanks *munch*, b-based! *burp*

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user, a nukige doesn't take a year and a half to be ported.


Nintentoddlers BTFO


How can they win again with something that happened a year ago


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What does type B mean?

Agreed, I want to be able to cuck other characters

I thought this was a siivagunner shitpost meme but you're telling me this exists?

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*bangs the wofe*

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I used to be a ntr chad.... in time i got curious about cocks. Their shape, how good they feel, their taste....?..

I started to enjoy the thought if sucking cock you know? Their throbbing glory... their creamy rewards....yeah i became fully gay and now im way happier, in a way ntr porn was the last push for me, because i wanted to partake in the pleasure of my girlfriend and her lover.... receive his mighty load, masturbate to him too. I just allowed her to be ravaged by another man and now... well im now a slut myself!

Wow anons it feels quite good to just surrender to cock and enjoy, why resist?

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Hey its Dunkey's favorite game!

the chad ntr vs the virgin hetero

Why not just self insert as the bull and not the cuck?

A power point with onoy porn in it

That takes away from the masochistic factor.

Anons i get raging boners from this kind of posts

Does that mean i'm a faggot? I really dont want to be gay

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For me the arousal comes from the thought of the innocent and pure wife not just betraying the husband but actually giving up and enjoying it

>Switch gets a cuck game

Figures. You are what you play.

but user, its not april fools anymore

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Honestly NTR just ain't as good as it used to be.

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Dunkey made a game?

Sssh user.... lets play pretend

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I prefer causing pain not receiving it.