How do we fix FFVIIR?
How do we fix FFVIIR?
perfection doesn't need fixing.
I really like this guy's art
Remove ghost
A texture and skybox patch.
pay a decent salary to janitors who clean up timelines
Scarlett becomes Cloud's primary love interest after Sephiroth rapes Aerith right in front of Cloud causing Aeris to go fully insane and require 24 hour supervision.
Stop buying remakes
fucking love yomyom
This and a PC release
let yomu redesign the entire cast, making every female character wear tights.
Based Yomu, his OL story arcs are special.
And the remake could be fixed by toning down nomura's bullshit
It won't feel right on PC.
poor douki-chan
I'd pick the girl in the back she seems like a good hearted, honest worker
List is too long. But the quickest way?
>Sell it as FF7-2 not FF7 REMAKE. Because now they fucked up any game after it. It's not a remake, its a whole fan fiction of god knows only what.
1. Remove Chapter 18 and the Whispers entirely, as well as Sephiroth’s early appearances. Move the Jenova fight from President Shinra’s office to the end of the motorway.
2. Remove Cait Sith from the cutscene when the plate falls, cut to average people looking up at it like the original. Cut the back half of Chapter 13 and merge it into 14. There are no slums to return to, they’ve been flattened.
3. Remove Leslie and the return to the Sewers from Chapter 14. Instead make Barret and Tifa's scenes at the beginning mandatory and spend the chapter exploring how the characters react to the plate falling in different ways, like Tifa’s guilt. Ultimately they channel their sadness and frustration into the assault on the Shinra building. Put Aeris’s scene at the end.
4. Marle dies, at the very least. And Wedge. Almost everybody from the slums. The plate falls and people die, don't pull punches. Do change Bigg’s and Jessie’s death scenes so you don’t watch them die. They’re just wounded and then the plate finishes the job.
5. Blood. Give Biggs bullet wounds. Sephiroth leaves a trail of bodies and blood, not purple Jenova goop. President Shinra bleeds.
6. Some general rewrites to make death scenes less cheesy, cut some of the flowery bullshit, etc. I’m sure we’d all have different preferences here.
I will now endorse your game. There's more I'd do, but this is the minimum.
>pic has the mc turn down manager milf because he promised girl in the back dinner
It is now turn based again
It adopts FFX's party system (switching in battles)
It adds a new member or two to the party and into the story with dedication and interest in integrating them into the story organically
New dungeon(s) in progress of gameplay, but multiple in postgame/sidequest content.
New sidequest like chocobos (some Moogle minigame?)
Story additions meant to flesh out and detail poorly covered(or translated) areas and meant to better establish existing and new characters.
AC Sephiroth shenanigans can be the storyline pursued through secrets in the game itself, culminating in a secret boss fight that will put your party to the ultimate test.
The graphics, voice, etc aren't criminal at all and are actually done fairly nicely, it's a shame they're wasted on Nomura.
I'd change Barret's dialogue a bit, but I'd keep everything the same. No need to fix a re-imagining of a story. That's the point.
This artist is a guy? Always assumed it was a girl for some reason
We all know she'll follow them to dinner to seduce him there. Just to maximize douki-chan's suffering
Whats going on in this pic?
yomu is alright
make it so getting knocked out of attacks doesn't take away your atb gauge
cosplay cuckoldry
You fix it by letting me plow Tifa in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
femcel in the back dressed as a chocobo getting mogged by stacy in the front dressed as tifa
>she eventually goes full yandere when you "no way fag" her enough
>ugly environments
>episodic release
>tons of unnecessary padding
Switch port or PC port
Cut the ghosts, cut the padding, cut Sephiroth. Fixed, your game is now a 9/10
Fuck nu/v/
>tfw no white collar job to meet thirsty cake OLs
Go back in time and kill Nomura.
why can't you cope?
If you cut all the bloat, then it wouldn't need to be episodic, you fucking mong.
take everyone in these pics and subtract 5 points from them and that's how office workers usually look
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