This is the best game of 2020

Maybe not really but there was simply nothing to complain about this game, it's great, runs great, better than the last one, no controversy or political/ideological bs as far as I know, great game length, delivered what it promised, I can't say this about any other game launched this year and cyberpunk 2077 already has a lot of bs months before launch

it's so true that there is nothing to be discussed on this thread, what you do on this thread then? I don't know, post 2B facesitting pics I guess

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Other urls found in this thread:

Calm down your horses user, it is definitely a contender for game of the year, but we are still in April, there's long year ahead of us

That can't be true because HK Silksong will release in the winter :)

It's a Hollow Knight rip-off. It's inferior to the original.

I was absolute euphoric while playing this shit. The music alone made me ooze manjuice like a dozen times. So it was probably pretty good, yeah.

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>there's long year ahead of us

a long year of drawn out collapse and games getting delayed indefinitely, so let's just give GOTY to the one that deserves it ahead of time

I know, but after a lot of games being indefinitely postponed what do we still have this year?
cyberpunk - already has a lot of controversies, not saying it will not be good or even awesome, but the kneeling to sjw's about the gender and trap shit and the anti-shilling about the daylight thing alone will be enough to make a lot of people don't play it and fight about the game's quality
other than that the only games that got my attention were Ghost of Tsushima and Hollow Knight, and I'm not even sure if the first one will be worth my time..., fuck, 2020 was supposedly packed, I'm disappointed so far

>there can be only one game for every genre, and I have to hate the other ones
if you're not young teens this is seriously pathetic, stop it, grow the fuck up

I am a 30+ boomer. Seriously the first Ori game did not focus on fighting as much as the second one did.

The best thing about this game is its soundtrack

yeah man, and it's impressive that a indie from a small studio looks like a fucking painting and runs this well, I was getting stable average 220fps on a 1070 during the entire game, it's like you can feel the devs care about this one

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the first one is almost exclusively about exploration, the enemies are there more to serve as obstacles then as real enemies, they probably took inspiration from HK, which I think is great

>The best thing about this game is its soundtrack

For me, it's

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For me it's Kwolok's Hollow

This shit could be on any Yas Forums's list or a movie sountrack

Its ori+ hollow knight except shit

that shit is never coming out

ok then

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Did they fix all the bugs yet?
>98% completion because I didn't collect all the arbitrary gold deposits
>didn't make me cry as hard as the first one
>frustrated me slightly more with some of the time trials being too finicky and the over-abundance of movement options sometimes getting caught on each other
0/10, GOTY so far for me.

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>theres nothing to complain

Shit optimization, lack of non debug graphic settings and lots of bugs on release, yes there is.

But outside of that, the game is pretty kino. All i really wish in it was that Ku had some actual extra gameplay usage rather than being a 10 minute gimmick sequence. Her coma happened too early too, more bonding time was needed.

I appreciate how they improved the combat a ton, it was probably the biggest problem of blind forest ( which was pretty nice and still underrated ), and how good the 3d looks

>Did they fix all the bugs yet?
I know several people were getting game breaking bugs, but I was lucky to get 0 bugs during my time with the game, they released patches but I don't know if it fixed everything

The first one was a bit too tedious for me. Too much boring jump sequences and barely any combat at all.

Did they change this?

>>didn't make me cry as hard as the first one

Even though it was ten times sadder????

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>Shit optimization
user..., pic related...
"my old pc can't run it properly at max graphical settings and the fps rate I want" =/= shit optimization

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It’s a buggy game that has no business being as strict as it is. Combat’s too impressive and clunky to be so demanding. The bosses are an absolute slog with the new focus on combat. Visuals are occasionally muddy.

yes, the combat is way more complex and part of the gameplay core, but the focus still is in exploration

That was a good thing and I think the devs made the wrong move going for more of a focus on combat


This is my favorite game this year and I've played and beaten every major title.

It's fucking amazing.

It is unplayable on Xbone. Laggy af

Is there anything next for Ori as a series after, ya know?

I dont even understnad how the games are so pretty. Its magic

The studio is making some sort of ARPG next

It really wasn't anything special... You get infinite healing.The game is a joke even on the hardest difficulty besides the stupid trial and error escape sequences. They tried to rip off Hollow Knight's healing systen and failed miserably. It's not bad, but it's not very good either.

>doesn't redeem herself, just goes to die with her parents


The first patch definitely didn't fix everything, on xbone I still had some pretty dramatic framerate drops and getting stuck launching in one direction multiple times in the second half of the game.

It's now DMC but as a pretty Metroidvania. You can fight enemies without ever touching the ground.

I knew they were gonna pull some bullshit. The bit with the baby and parent owls hurt too, and that Shriek never really got any redemption and reacted justifiably in her turn to evil but never saw the light fucked me up a bit. I think just because it was a sequel I was prepared for it though.

>those fucking sand platforms you can launch through, but if you touch them they flake away
>and you need to launch yourself out of the sand at the right angle to reach them properly
>your muscle memory might also betray you and you will double jump, touch the sand and fuck everything up
>if you miss the timing while you're flying through the air you won't launch through them
>if you launch through them at the wrong angle you won't be able to dive into the next wall of sand
>they literally mitigated this with the enemy and light launchers by letting you redirect but decided to include a frustrating version of the same mechanic anyway
I honestly did the time trials when there was no one else in the house so I wouldn't be heard swearing at the TV. I got them all done but I didn't enjoy some of them.

The main theme motif in this game is overused, I'm pretty sure every song on the OST contains SOME sort of reference to the main theme.

I don't know, it kinda doesn't grip me the same as the first one did.
There are some great set pieces like when you hide from the giant bird monster while platforming,
but it all feels kinda bland in between.

>It's now DMC but as a pretty Metroidvania. You can fight enemies without ever touching the ground.

how many weapons can I swap between using real-time weapon change?


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