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Could never play it because it's console exclusive, but it looks good, and I loved Fable 1 and 3 so it must not be bad, plus you get to fuck your grandmother.

how do i play this on pc

2 > 1 > 3

I was actually a bit sad to see what happened to Oakvale in 2 and I missed the Greatwood but apart from that 2 was better

I didnt like it when that guy just shot photo guy randomly he was a bro.

I played the opening hours back in 08 and it didn't catch me, but I returned to it early this month and I've been loving it.

It's a weird mix of elder scrolls and the Sims... I'm gonna play the first one and then the third one next

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MS needs a full kino RPG again, no more gears

the actual gameplay was lacking, but the world, humor, story and style I loved

>plus you get to fuck your grandmother no?

Fable 4 is currently being developed by Playground Games, should be out within the next few years

game is pretty shit but it does have soul

I jacked off to the female MC farting and shitting herself
Immediate 10/10

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Combat is single button mashing, no dialogue options or dialogue at all, npc's are literally generic Sims, you literally cannot die or fail, quests are follow the glowy line, probably one of the worst ""rpg"" games ever made.

However, superior games should adopt it's character morph systems , it makes sense to look different based on your playstyle rather than look the same for a whole game.

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Lady Grey

I hear they removed the expression wheel in 3, how does that work? It was a crucial part of 2

Removal of the dedicated lock-on button was a mistake. New spell system was horrible. And the ending was meh. Everthing else was great.

Every game after the first one removed more and more features, while adding stuff that'll be removed by the next game.

Wasn't terrible, but I barely remember it at this point.

Let's hope 4 is a proper revival then, new devs new game design philosophy hopefully

I beat this game with my childhood best friend the night it came out. First time seeing him since leaving for college. Co op was a good time. That was probably the last time we hung out. These are my thoughts. Thanks for reading my blog.

You have to interact with each NPC indvisually with a fade to black screen into interacting with them followed by a fade to black load back. And you can't fail the expressions anymore.

Better than 3, worse than 1.

Loved 2 and 3 was good up until the ending so should I play the first? My favorite part of 2 was starting out as a lowly black Smith to become the biggest real estate mogul and monopolize everything. I know my guy had one kid then when he got back from the spire he had 2 so I don't know if it was a glitch or not because 2 kids with the same woman was rare I think. If you didn't c u c k the grave digger then you're a dumbass.

Gameplaywise it’s nothing special, but I don’t think that there’s anything quite like it regarding the general atmosphere, I love it. It’s a shame that they had to rush the end part of it, though, and that it never got ported to PC.

That sounds rough compared to 2.

Did you fuck your friend? Thought that was a funny feature honestly. When you have sex enough you catch an STD even if you use condoms.

It was so fucking clunky and bad. The only things 3 did right were larger areas to explore (some decent changing of areas with certain decisions) and getting online co-op to actually work and for the other player to be their character and not a random mercinary. And that Online Co-Op wasn't restricted to being exactly like couch co-op (Split screen) but online.

They probably needed to free up some memory for that retarded inventory room you teleport to

It was fun. The Lost Chapters and Fable II were some of the most fun I had on the Xbox and then the 360.

No Fable game holds up that well today, but at the time I had a ton of fun with them.

Fable III was shit and I don't really consider it a Fable game, it was more like a failed experiment.

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Is the first game worth playing or what?



Lionhead doesn't exist anymore

Can I be a real estate mogul like in 2?

On steam, whats the difference between The Lost Chapters, and Anniversary? Besides a $25 price difference

Yeah, that's how you end up with fat stacks of cash/coin in your Treasurey (part of the Sanctury)