Was this in the remake?

Was this in the remake?

Attached: buy-batteries-from-the-junk-collector-in.jpg (1600x558, 87.96K)

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They're indirectly referenced. You still need an NPC to give you an item.

unfortunately no I was looking forward to that part but they changed it to where the just use grappling hooks and run up some collapsed buildings.

the segment they replaced it with is at least 10x better

Is this in the remake?

Attached: 428956950.jpg (500x417, 137.49K)

I wanted it to be in, but the replacement was an improvement.

But that's wrong

if the only remixed the song from the original it would have worked

You mean 10x longer than it should've been

hate this weeb shit

Attached: 1525916261272.gif (200x200, 3.95M)

eat shit

>disagree with sound post
>post shitty music that doesn't even fit VII

Felt only slightly longer than the original, honestly, counting the random encounters as time added. No shitty swinging mini-game either. The only thing I missed was Barret's golden wire of hope speech.

He means because it was bad it should have been 1/10 the length, same with VII Remake in general, it is so fucking padded.

I agree in some cases, but in the case of climbing up to the plate, nah. Only parts where I felt the strain was the Train Graveyard and Jenova's chamber. Working your way up to Shinra HQ needs time to breathe, and I never felt trodden down during that segment.

>I felt the strain was the Train Graveyard
You must really like slow walking with unneeded dialogue

This is what happens when weebs get more obsessed with "preserving the Japaneseness" of writing instead of localizing the writing to evoke the same experience across languages.

Imagine you made a comedy an anime with the intention of it being quick and funny. It gets an English translation but most of the humor is too specific to the Japanese language, aside from the character faces being really humorous and exaggerated. The dub has a localized sense of humor-- the jokes touch on similar themes like social awkwardness and pop culture, but they are written around what Western people are familiar with. The jokes are still fast and funny, even though they're different. Then a hardcore weeaboo makes an "accurate subtitle track." Half the words are left untranslated, and you frequently have to pause the anime just to read the translator's notes that take up half the screen.

If your goal when making the anime was to make people laugh, which would you rather they watch: the dub that has different jokes but actually makes English speakers laugh, or the subtitled version that you have to pause every few seconds, try and understand an explanation of Japanese culture, and then hopefully by the time that's all over the viewer will at least smirk when it registers?

I have more respect for something like the Ghost Stories dub than I will ever have for the half-translated trash that passes for "accurate translations" in weeb circlejerks.

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What do you mean? The parts I felt were too padded were the Train Graveyard and Jenova's chamber.

Does this even actually exist?

Part of me wants to believe it does.

Attached: keikaku.jpg (640x477, 26.87K)

That image is a joke, user.

Found it weird that the guy behind the weapon shop had a nameplate (former weapon storekeeper or whatever) in his subtitles, which is usually a thing they used for characters involved in quests. Wonder if something got cut.

Imagine getting this blasted by a parody of one fansub that was roundly mocked.

I did not think it was ontologically possible to be this much of a fucking plebeian.

Attached: 16.jpg (300x300, 57.5K)

Are wutai turtle paradise posters in the remake???????
The middle draw?
TV "cutscenes"?
t haven't yet played

no, but i remember this hardcore mod who change all the dialogues and made tifa and aerith lesbians. i dont normally use this word, but it was pretty cringe

>i dont normally use this word
Why don't you just say "It made me cringe" like a normal person?

Nightmare mod makes it so when you jump off the train you are on the wrong side of the guards in the tunnel and have to wait so they make out and can run past
Also Cloud is a robot for some reason

to emphasize. what kind of question is that?

That's pretty cringe worthy, my man.


Please tell me this is a copypasta