Why can't Yas Forums admit that this is the best FF game?

Why can't Yas Forums admit that this is the best FF game?
>most coherent and well written plot
>best cast of memorable and developed characters, including side
>uematsu's best work by far
>materia is fun
>superb aesthetics

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why do you care enough to keep making these threads?

That’s not 15

FF7 has always been overrated garbage.
FF4, FF6, FF8, and FF9 are the only ones worth playing.
Maybe FF12 if you're a masochist.

it isn't. turns out it ranked in the lower third in my list of best FF games made by Squaresoft. tough pill to swallow but you have to grow up sometime and take off the nostalgia goggles.

the only people that shit on this game are shills trying to damage control for the remake

I can't believe we're going to have to deal with a new generation of FF7 faggots that never shut the fuck up and scream like banshees over the slightest criticism of their masterpiece. Just as they were finally starting to chill the fuck out too...

>doesn't even mention tactics or x

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You’re goddamn right it’s not because FF15 is garbage.

My favorite ff is 9 but 7 is amazing too and I don't think it is overrated at all. I still have to see another game or even a movie coming up with a setting and story like that.

>All those shitty mini games
>the terrible level design
no thanks

Best FF game? tha'ts entirely debatable and subjective to each one's taste, however it's one of the best FF to get into the series, it's always a fun ride for me to replay it though
pic related, with SYV upscaling mods

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We did admit that, back when Yas Forums was actually good.

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the absolute state

Damn those were some close votes though. FF5 could have gone much further in a different bracket.

>uematsu's best work by far
You rang?

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nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

>most coherent and well written plot
FF7 is extremely convoluted. That's why to this day people have a hard time figuring out who the fuck was Jenova, Sepiroth and which of the two you are actually fighting throughout the game. Who was Aerith and the Ancients. All that shit that was going with Cloud. I often keep forgetting Cait Sith isn't actually a cat. I'm sure some neckbeard who has played through the game a hundred times and memorized every single detail will object and call all those people brainlets, but the fact is that the story wasn't as coherent and streamlined as you claim it was. That said, it was probably less convoluted than most other FFs with their time travel, ayys, crystals, agents of void, parallel worlds and all of the usual FF nonsense.

If you’re talking in the last decade, yeah, probably is. Because they haven’t released a good fucking FF in so long. And this game may be better, but they still did the same retarded shit that forced them to rely on milking VII in the first place

Looks great but probably would look even better with scanlines for the "soul" effect.

Yas Forumstendo never had good taste. Fuck off.

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>most coherent and well written plot
bullshit. it was a mess of 4-5 other game plots with wild tonal shifts and gaping plot holes
>best cast of memorable and developed characters, including side
cloud, barret, red xiii were memorable characters
the rest of the cast was boring and generic
>uematsu's best work by far
not even his best work in the playstation era
>materia is fun
yes that's why they were immediately dropped and never appeared in another mainline FF
>superb aesthetics
the uneven tone, and shitty character models ruined whatever aesthetic they were going for
the moment you get out of midgar the game drops all semblance of theming and falls apart aesthetically

I give your pleb opinions 10/10, would BTFO again

>most coherent and well written plot

>ffvii is convuluted meme
Hello underage

hello shit for brains

hello faggot so dumb he uses ad hominems in an anonymous imageboard because he has no arguments

>yes that's why they were immediately dropped and never appeared in another mainline FF
What the hell is this complaint even about? FF constantly experiments with new mechanics all of the goddamn time.

Because it's not Tactics

what is so confusing about the plot? only an underage could not understand the first time around.

because it's shit