I just want to ask anons what you think of my very loose idea for a video game channel. The best advice I ever got when it comes to YouTube is to make something that you personally would want to watch. I’ve always liked showing off games to people who don’t normally play them and get them to appreciate the aesthetics, art, or the music. What do you think of the idea of putting games on a virtual display? Not another dime a dozen commentary channel that shows gameplay accompanied with their voice talking about the history of the game. I’m talking about a long-form show that completely showcases individual games. No commentary whatsoever. Just music and ambiance accompanied with concept art and very occasional text to read on-screen. Really putting emphasis on the game’s soundtrack and perhaps doing a bit of boundary breaking to get certain angles that can’t be accessed in-game. Is that something you could see yourself watching? Obviously this is a very rough draft of an idea I’ve had for a while. Would love to hear thoughts and suggestions.
Thats the most blatant 'you just know' I've ever seen. It's been pavlov conditioned to go right for the pussy, she likely peanut butters it and it goes there for treats.
I am of course talking about such encouragement, you utter buffoon.
Aaron Bailey
Took the knot
Brandon Thomas
don't you get TSS from putting peanut butter in your puss?
Daniel White
that dog was trained to eat her out
Gavin Phillips
this is so gay
Nathaniel Roberts
No commentary and text on screen sounds like a bad idea desu. People, me included, watch YouTube to get shit spoonfed to them. I spend most of my days reading, the fuck I wanna do that to relax. And many people are in the same situation.
Pretty cute dog too, shame it had to be corrupted like that.
Grayson Scott
Nice ideas bro, I'm sure you and your grand total of 28 comfy subscribers will enjoy that.
Jeremiah Davis
Commentary is necessary to make the work transformative. Raw gameplay, game art and music will get claimed by their respective parties, which is fine if you don't intend to profit from the channel. If you're looking at using it as an income source you need to do more.
Isaiah Adams
He said the text would be rare so you could propably skip it
William Reed
Perhaps but you have to understand something Watch this youtube.com/watch?v=leX541Dr2rU&vl=en-GB , it explains how important it is for the audience to build a connection with the person that makes the video. Why? Because watchers most often don't watch for the content, but for the person that's presenting it. I like the idea, in great part because I do love to watch longplays for example, but you have to understand that when you put a video out there that is neither the type of content a person wants to see, neither you are interesting enough to retain attention, you'll be dealing with very long hours where no one will be looking at your stuff. Which is also partially why youtubers usually don't play long games in their entirety.
Dominic Perez
No shit retard
Owen Nelson
Sounds like a decent idea but at the same time I have the feeling when you say games you mean some animeshit or nintendo
That said, more people should make videos like this because A) they're great, and B) my PC is obviously a piece of shit and that's not changing any time soon.
Benjamin Jackson
this is the dumbest thing, sometimes dogs just like to sniff crotches
>The best advice I ever got when it comes to YouTube is to make something that you personally would want to watch. Then why the fuck are you asking other people if you should make it or not?