This game is fantastic and nobody ever talks about it. I'm about to play Kiwami 2 and fully expect that to be great, too. Why does nobody ever talk about this?
How come nobody told me about this Yakuza shit?
>nobody ever talks about it
God damn tourists
>Nobody ever talks about it
nigga you new here or what
there's yakuza threads all the time
You live under a rock mate?
majima dies at the end
I know you fags talk about it all the damn time. I finally caved in and bought it for myself two weeks ago. I don't get why it's not bigger than it is. What does it take for this to get any real recognition in areas that aren't Japan? Like America.
things that aren't dubbed will never take off in the west. dragon ball is as popular as it is because they had a killer dub cast
0 and 5 are the best ones, ignore the rest
It's a singleplayer game, what did you expect?
Now hope that the resident autist won't find your thread.
The games tend to end up being repetitive if you go from one game to the next. It also has the thing people perceive as weird Japanese acting and you either love it or hate it. Lastly, the mission structure is also fucked (main storyline goes absolutely crazy, you're in a do or die situation - better help some girl get her stuffed animal instead, or just manage my multi million real estate business), so I can easily understand why it's not super popular. Combat is also not really the greatest thing. It's there, can be fun, but also very repetitive.
So basically, the games are enjoyable but it's very hit or miss.
>ignore Kiwami 2
>ignore 4
>ignore spin-offs like Judgment
don't think so sweatheart
fucking newfag motherfucker missed when this game out and Yas Forums was cumming their shorts
yakuza is fucking based
>This game is fantastic and nobody ever talks about it
Literally Yas Forums didnt stop talking about it in 2017-2018
>Why does nobody ever talk about this?
Kiwami 2 feels really weird.
For me, its Heartbreak Mermaid, the best female sang song in the series.
Putting this shit on game pass was a fucking mistake
why do you say that?
Cry more
>popular bad
I think we should stop talking about Yakuza and playing it and buying it then nobody will ever know of it.
It's too weird to be mainstream outside Japan. You think normalfags are going to play a game where you fight guys in diapers and play dress up with a bunch of cabaret club girls?
If either of those appeared in a GTA no one would bat an eye.
playing judgement and so far, im liking it. did not like yagamis fighting style at first but after putting some points on tiger, learning flux and FUCKING TIGER DROP he became a fast favorite.
not exclusive anymore.
This. You could have tranny sidestories and everything in GTA and people will call it revolutionary.
Sorry bros, hand slipped. I spelled Otometal My Life wrong.
Fuck you.
There are yakuza threads like every fucking day dude.
Yakuza 0 was unanimously a GOTY contender next to Nier Automata and nothing come close that year, if it was on the new Dragon engine it would be another story.
>Why does nobody ever talk about this?
You will inevitably start to feel bored. You will walk from pointless conversation to pointless conversation. You will read and read and read while character models stare at each other lifelessly. You will do the same unchallenging fights hundreds of times over where enemies pose no threat. You will stare at cutscenes that play out in the slowest way possible. You'll tell yourself the story has gripped you while trying to ignore how badly written it is.
You will wonder why Yas Forums and various ecelebs hyped up this series, and begin telling yourself that YOU must be wrong, not them. You'll tell yourself it's good just to feel a part of something.
That’s what you’re in for.
>This game is fantastic and nobody ever talks about it.
because every 0 thread is always shitted on by that one poster who gets nuclear mad when people say they enjoyed it
>things that aren't dubbed will never take off in the west
why is the west so trash? I can't imagine Yakuza with eng voices
He's fucking with you.
If that kept people from talking about specific games this board would be empty
Inviting in normalfag cancer is never a good idea
Then we can finally get Game Grumps to acknowledge it
It already came out on Steam, so who cares.