ITT: Wife material
ITT: Wife material
Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.
Anne is my wife and the love of my life.
>boring as shit once you romance her
>reverts back to the ponytail after her SL
>not even a party member until the final dungeon
I love Reisen!
I love my gorgeous wife!
Magic Knight is my one and only.
Image marrying her and having children together in a home you fill with love and compassion while living happily ever after. Haha.
I do every day
I love my wife Camilla!
I love my Boyish wife!
She was willing to be Kamoshida's cock sleeve for her friend to make the team. Not sure if that's wife material.
i'm calling the police
on you
and your wife
how to i cope the fact than there is porn of random people fucking my waifu? Is making tulpa the only logical solution?
Otherhand how hard is make tulpa
She was stringing him along for as long as she could to keep Shiho's position until he finally gave her an ultimatum. She was a 16 year old girl being pressured into an inappropriate relationship with someone she wanted nothing to do with all because he felt like he owned the school and should get whatever he wants. He systematically isolated her by using her only friend in the entire world against her and exacerbating the already extreme prejudice the school had against her due to her foreign looks by spreading rumors about her and making the student body believe that she's his girl. Absolutely nothing about it was willing. It's insane to me that sociopaths like you cannot find sympathy for the situation she was in.
wrong pic. mb
my bird bride
based Makoto poster
How wonderful, user, my wife comes from the same games, too! We met at a rave.
I thought the whole point was that she wasn't willing and that's why Kamoshida took it out on Shiho.
She is a real cutie. Take good care of her and make her the best that she can be.
I hope your wives get more content for you to experience with her, anons. I know mine won't.
Way ahead of you, bro, we had a kid together and adopted a dog.
Who is your wife?