

Attached: 1587593540892.png (512x512, 118.38K)


Well what? Speak up, anime woman.


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I heard there's an old jrpg where there's a marriage plot but the girl hates you and wants to be with another guy, what was it?

How many times do I have to tell you that I want a non human girlfriend? humans are outdated

Excuse me?


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I want a lgf.

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I'm not into femdom

Why doesn't she love me, she loves literally everyone else except me, what is just so bad about me
Fucking help

you are cringe

Because I have a boyfriend.

I want to keep the last bit of true happiness I still have intact.


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but I do, she's right here

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I already have a daughterfu

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You can be my gf, anime bitch.

I have no idea what a romantic relationship actually entails and what's expected out of me and it feels far more like a business thing to me than just having friends does
I've been scared away

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Because I don't have money, status or Chad level looks.

My dick is growing.

>frequents an all girls school

so she goes to a regular school sometimes or an all boys school?

this is somehow video games related

because I AM the gf (male)

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It's never happening. I've made my peace with it