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>Haha, I really owned leddit right guys?

Shut up OP why do you care about TF2 its a bad game.

>literally "Edit: WOW 100 LIKES?! THANKS GUYS" thread
Fuck off you underage faggot

just for future reference the vast majority of people who put their pronouns in their bio are doing it to trigger retards like you

Twitter thread?

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Yeah I call fucking bullshit and i'm okay with those fags
Like they got their head so far up their ass there's no way they do it just to trigger a couple of retards like OP

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>a couple of retards
there's a lot more than a couple lol

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>i'm a tranny give me money!

>ableist language
>edgy fuckface
Is this fucking kid a 13 year old that wants to win every argument they drag themselves into at any costs? I have every fucking right to call you an autist, even if you tell me "muh ableist and autistphobic!!", no one really cares, I can call you a fag even, got any problem with it? Oh right, this is Twitter.

There, I said it.

A what now?

I kinda agree with whatever the fuck it is that nobody really wants or cares about soccer moms crying about personal oppression.

>muslim queer

But Muslims absolutely hate queers wtf

>twitter shit
get out niggers

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She tried.

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Non-binary, aka "I have a mental illness, special snowflake edition"

They're applying the logic back to the person you retard.

>OMG twitter drama
>dish it girlfriend!

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Why are you following Rami

>links ko-fi, paypal and patreon
jesus fucking christ

fuck off, no one thinks you're funny you faggot

White privilege doesn't exist.


His constant takes on every social issue is hilariously embarrassing

This is actually redpilled though
All of the shitty social justice movements today are as a result of white women refusing to accept their privilege

Regardless of what it says in the Quran there are a lot of queer people who say they're Muslim. It happened with Christians too, though that sorta went out of style. In any case generalizing and saying "Muslims hate queers" doesn't really work now that it's 2020 and everyone needs to collect as many oppression points as possible. Whatever goes against that crazy religious shit is good with me.

>187.800 Tweets
>joined 11 years ago
>that's 48 tweets per day

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I was talking about the Twitter person, not OP, are you fucking retarded?

That's 18k, not 187k, you crazy ass
That's 4 tweets a day

Pronouns in bio honestly make sense, no one can tell your gender from an anime profilepic.

stop shilling your degenerate porn, fuckwit

you're a fucking idiot, sit in the corner with your dunce cap

Than writing it as 187.8K is fucking retarded.

everyone in it is cringe

>shilling your own twitter because your average-tier art can barely get you 25k

as always /ourgirl/
Still, I'm just waiting for the mods to ban OP's ass

Looks like you're too scared to respond now.

>being europoor

> Yas Forums - Twitter Drama

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Don't worry, actual twitter Muslims exist and they hate this shit

she's not wrong here. Mainstream leftist ideology is a bourgeois clusterfuck of incompatible ideas.

>being americlap

>let's use retarded white women to push our anti-white agenda and then turn on them and take down all whites
White privilege doesn't exist. Getting a job over a shitskin because you're more qualified or less likely to steal than a nigger is not privilege. I cant leave my car running 3 ft from my back door without two niggers jumping in it and driving off. Where's my privilege? Btw if they caught the nigger, the cops told me they'd just have to release them without charges.

It's American o'clock for you, my dear friend. You should leave.

marmalademum is based

fuck trannies

Who's this bitch tranny

I don't know who Marmalademum is, but they managed to be just as faggy as the rest of those twitter trannies. What an obnoxious chode.

fuck trannies and fuck shills

Fuck off back to twitter

I don't want to know how the world will be in 20 years more...

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i'm not even that religious and this shit makes me mad

does this fag still posts on /ic/?

beatings doesnt even begin cover it

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Snoy logic

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Thanks to horny people I'm making some decent patreon bux, so bless them.
Yeah sometimes, he still pretends to be a girl and still deflects any type of criticism if it isn't as long as an essay.

Based, fuck puritans
They are probably Jews to begin with

why does this man love family guy so much

Ebin, OP. But have you checked out my 5?

He's a westaboo