Other urls found in this thread:
Call me when i will be able to play Xenoblade 2 in 4K
>smash doesn't crash now
does luigi's mansion 3 work
I really only care about MHGU
probably still no 32 support
damn at this rate I won't end up having to buy one
This spaz doesn't want to upload Animal Crossing gameplay for some reason
I can finally play three houses
>course world still doesn't work
>video says that AC can be played on the mainline version of the emulator
>websites says i need the (((early access))) build
where do you guys get the isos you need for yuzu?
prob'ly just doesn't work, and even if it did you wouldn't be able to play online
This. I don't even need 4k, just give me xeno.
It's never going to, Switch's online anti-piracy is actually very robust and all consoles have a unique identifier. If it ever is in a playable state it'll have to be indistinguishable from a real console on Nintendo's end and you'll have to sacrifice a real Switch unit's online capability.
still waiting for xeno 2
Never going to happen, Yuzu trannies only work on what patreon paypigs want done.
They will seethe if xenoblade gets touched because it contains woman fetishist. Ryujinx is the only switch emu worth supporting, they even dabbled in XC2
Does animal crossing work on this yes or no?
gimme 5 min and i'll tell ya
>in this update the game goes from 90% playable to 90.1% playable! Remember to donate to the patreon, once we reach x amount we'll release the next build which is already finished that will make these games 90.3% playable!
Thank you, friend.
Is Fire Emblem Three houses now playable on YUZU?
Good news for preservation, but playing (nintendo game) at 85% speed with glitches with a xbox one/ps4 controller is as soulless as it gets. But choosy beggars and all.
Have they fixed this shit yet?
>Pirating games
>Playing on unofficial hardware
I hope you get a dick up your ass and not in the fun way
It took Dolphin a long time to become what it is now.
It's open source, you retard:
have sex
damn if it's slow to boot up, i guess it's stuck but the emulator says to not close it now and wait a bit
Source version crashes.
can I play monster hunter with this?
Ok, bro. Let me know if it loads up and works.
not yet, but they added a barebone 32bit ARM support, if i'm not mistaken this was the main roadblock so soon™
why would you play monster hunter on switch when it's on steam?
because Iceborne and GU aren't the same
when can i properly play tlou
Which build is the three houses one?
Did anyone found a fix for TWEWY yet?