Why are some games loved for their difficulty but other games hated for the same reason?
Why are some games loved for their difficulty but other games hated for the same reason?
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I don't see it though. Who is like that?
Cave Story doesn't get hard until the Labyrinth, that's after you've finished nearly half of the game.
Simon's Quest isn't hard, it's cryptic as fuck and very repetitious
Adventure of zelda and castlevania 2 are the epitome of shitty game design
They're not even hard, they're just fucking cryptic
It's how the difficulty is implemented and the severity of the punishment for failure.
Dark Souls isn't even actually hard. You lose maybe 2 or 3 minutes of progress any time you die, and your inventory is persistent. Old games sent you back to the beginning of an area, or sometimes force you to restart the entire game, which amounts to hours of lost progress.
Super Monkey Ball isn’t particularly hard.
Which boss filtered you?
Difficulty and "not respecting the player's time" are two different things.
Generally autists obsessed with "hard" games like all of the above.
Game difficulty is unwanted by your average gamer. If you can't figure out why dark souls is popular then you're a retard but I won't leave you hanging. Dark souls is popular because of memes. The memes of "you died" spawned a huge trend for dark souls making it normie approved. Suddenly picking up dark souls and sucking at it was the social norm and people will do anything because it's trendy or to fit in. It's the reason Skyrim is so popular despite universally being considered worse than it's predecessors. 2011 loved memes.
What type of cocksucker would say this about Cave Story, of all things? Christ, I'm getting too old for this shit.
Lost Levels wasn't hard until THAT jump.
what the absolute fuck is sakura samurai doing up there, holy shit i havent heard any mention of that game since it came out this is a blast from the past
game wasnt hard at all though
most of the games on the top are universally loved and critically acclaimed
Nothing is universally loved and video game critics are worthless.
ive been on Yas Forums and twitter for years and years hearing all kinds of terrible opinions but ive never heard anyone speak badly about any of the games in that picture except for dark souls, cuphead, zelda 2, castlevania 2, lost levels, and i wanna be the guy
are you sure about that?
>Super Mario bros 2
Ikaruga is easily the most divisive shmup after Touhou, causing asshurt everywhere and forever until the end of time
Rabi-Ribi discussions are normally friendly, but when a thread starts with that r*ddit screencap...
I'm not in the know on Ikaruga so why are people butthurt over Ikaruga.
i dont play shmups or engage with shmup communities at all, but ive only heard high praise for ikaruga. rabi ribi ive havent heard much about at all but the only things i have heard are praise that made me want to get the game
Isn't Ikaruga a recomended shmup in /vg/ ?
none of them even know what mushihimesama is, if they did I think they would have a seizure.
it's hard to put into words, but especially the really old shmup grognards (like the ones on you see on /vr/) HATE the game for being different and a borderline puzzle game, and they hate the fanbase even more.
This is one of the funniest smackdowns I've ever seen
Simon's quest and Mario 2 are actually shit though.
>F-Zero GX
Ikaruga is not divisive. It's just people who hate it because it's popular. The same thing happens with ff7.
You switched threads just so you could get your dopamine fix
Ninja Gaiden is easier then Black
I beat Getting Over It.
I know this is bait but it doesn't make me angry, it just makes me confused as fuck.
Who the hell complains about Punch Out, much less for its difficulty? Are wojakfags actually retarded?
Why are some games loved for their difficulty but other games hated for the same reason?
I'd say getting to the master levels is pretty hard, atleast without the extra lives in 2
Alright no fuck you I can see the gist of what you're going for but Zelda 2 has no right being with any of those other games
It literally does not respect your time or the curve along which it's supposed to teach you, it's an absolute fucking slog whose interesting ideas like magic spells and the downward sword thrust are eclipsed by a difficulty level almost entirely comprised of how vaguely it defines what the FUCK you're supposed to be doing and how often the overworld encounters trigger (made worse by how far back you're sent any time you die)
Zelda is my favorite game series but 2 is legitimately an awful entry and no amount of contrarianism will ever tell me otherwise
thank you for fucking fixing it jesus christ
Can confirm. Love IWBTG and the Ghosts n' Goblins series
What about talking about? The only brutal part of the game is the very last dungeon, which at the very least keeps you there after a game over. The rest of the game is very doable without game overing constantly, and the only reason the last dungeon is a smite difficult is because it's long as fuck and has back to back bosses at the end. It's a great game.
That's revisionist bullshit. Most people loved ikaruga when it came out.
Rob (the guy who made that review) was known on the shmups forums for hating everything made by Cave and Treasure while sucking off Mars Matrix like his life depended on it.
>t. 39-year-old who still remembers the frothing demand.
why is there a xi jinping game on there?
thats not difficulty
Those games on top were made before streamers, nowadays people love hard games they themselves don't play but watch other people play and the whiners wanting to be part of the bandwagon complain on twitter about there needs to be an easier than easy mode.
i dont understand this image. i literally want an option in zelda for invasions, imagine a red link popping into your screen and you battle him.