Comfy JRPG thread?

Comfy JRPG thread?
Only the comfiest of JRPGs allowed

Attached: Yoshida.Akihiko.600.977862.jpg (600x585, 111.62K)

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then post one

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What does that image have to do with jrpg's?

perhaps it contains the level of "comfy" he's looking for. never mind he's a faggot and didn't bother to define "comfy" so you could put fucking Dark Souls and it would still be thread topic

if you can't see what this image has to do with jrpgs you clearly don't play any

isn't that a slime in the top left

Theres several references in this pic

Have there even been many noteworthy jrpgs in the last couple of years? I've only played 1 new one in the last 2 years.

Post anything as comfy as Atelier. Come on, I'll wait.

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persona ,ff7r and brave second
I guess there is cold steel too, if you are into that
>Tales of
breath of fire'd

Persona and Tales.

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Fire Emblem too

Speaking of Bravely Second, fifth anniversary today.

Attached: bravely-second-anniversary.jpg (960x1024, 382.84K)

What game is this? Tales of ToS?

Tales of the Abyss.

>breath of fire'd
Tales of Arise isn't a mobile game.

A bunch of over dressed animes around a picnic table doesn't look comfy at all

Reminder that if you wouldn't play a game with the story removed, it's a bad game. Name a single JRPG with good gameplay.

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>if you wouldn't play a game with the story removed, it's a bad game
I've never given a fuck about a single jrpg story. I literally only play them for the gameplay.

>choosing this disgusting braindead waifu shit over recettear

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it has everything to do with jrpgs. the fact that you couldn't tell makes it a great OP though, because shitposters won't just click it in anticipation of shitting on some franchise

>I literally only play them for the gameplay.
Name one.

Etrian Odyssey and Disgaea. There's two series for you.

What console is best for JRPGs? Only have a PC right now (and 3DS and Vita but I haven't turned them on in years).

I'm replaying Chrono Trigger currently.

Attached: 71804335_p0.jpg (907x1138, 557.79K)

>What console is best for JRPGs?

PC and Switch.

Grandia II is on sale on GOG right now, is it good?
Is it comfy?
Never played any Grandia games.

Why are you replying to someone who will just spew some "hurr hurr >turn based" or something retarded?

Kill yourself already

>Etrian Odyssey
So Labyrinth of Touhou, but for mentally challenged children.
Zero gameplay, the whole series is watching numbers go up. There's a reason this was Ulillillia's favorite JRPG.

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Action ones like Ys and MMBN, but if you were referring to turn based ones: SMT4/4A, Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey and Disgaea. Didn't give a single fuck about the stories in any of those games (even skipped cutscenes wherever I could) and I still enjoyed them.

That game has zero gameplay. It's 100% aesthetics. There is no way you'd play it without the story.


>Grandia II is on sale on GOG right now, is it good?
Yeah and also pretty short for a jrpg, like 25h long.
>Is it comfy?
Yeah until it isn't.

>mentally challenged children.
But enough about the touhou fanbase

>That game has zero gameplay.
Yet here I am fighting enemies.

Grandia II is fucking fantastic

If a game is 99% action and 1% RPG, it's not a RPG
imagine being a grown ass man and unironically playing pokemon

>2hu fanbase can beat LoT 2 on hard while being mentally challenged children, but you can't
so what does that say about you

Nice thread.

>YS 8 and the upcoming 9
>KH3 (gameplay is actually pretty good, especially with the DLC)

Yet here you are bulldozing through fights and screens so simple a cockroach could beat them.

>you don't like it so that means you're bad at it
Why are you so bad at JRPGs user? I thought they're the easiest genre

Replaying Xenoblade 2 in preparations for 1 DE. Tantal at night is maximum comfy until the fog sets in and Torigoth might be my number one most comfy JRPG town.

Alrighty then, I'll read up a little bit on game mechanics and whatnot but it's nice to hear positive opinions about it, not sure why I never got around to playing it back then.

Why are you seething, user? Why does a genre of games you don't like make you so asshurt?

>I'll read up a little bit on game mechanics
You don't have to, build variety is non existent.
Game is pretty straight forward.

i just got a switch recently for animal crossing. i wanted to buy xeno 2 but an user convinced me to wait for the xeno 1 remake first because i havent played any of them. i've been wanting to play the newer dragon quest forever and would have gotten it on PC if it wasnt for the definitive edition on switch. question is, does this shit ever go on sale?

>here's why you're 'game' is shit
stop projecting your rage onto me pal