TF2 source code leak

some of you are OK, don't log into TF2 tonight

>“It’s possible to do something with your PC files,” a Creators.TF mod says in the project’s Discord. “Cathook developer said he discovered a way to Remote Code Execute (RCE) on TF2 just by you being in the server. So it’s easy to get a virus, execute code that turns you into aimbot, or delete all your inventory by just playing.”

Attached: JO4g6pI.png (430x237, 49.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>after all this epic malware shitposting
>valve gets nuked by malware
you cant make this shit up

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>valve gets nuked by malware
isn't this about two games only? who gives a fuck


>say word
>source code stolen

>first game is the biggest valve game with million steam players
>steam gets fucked too perhaps

>steam gets fucked too perhaps
what? goddamn Yas Forums is a fucking joke, worse than /g/


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Is it still safe to play Garry's Mod, or is that compromised too?

thanks Tim, very cool

All source 1 games should be avoided at all costs. You shouldnt use steam in general right now but source 2 and other stuff should realistically be safe

>You shouldnt use steam in general right now
based retard

they can literally delete your entire inventory, steam is not safe brainfart

Is Garry's Mod okay? I want to go to Yas Forums cinema tonight.

Attached: shit.jpg (1920x1080, 435.28K)

only tf2 and csgo is compromised you fucking retard

yes its safe

go back to /g/ braindead zoomer


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lol he cant do shit now that he's under valves umbrella.

There still retards playing those games? Are they that poor?

Yas Forums in a nutshell.

If you on go to Windows / System32 and see these 2 files, its probably too late

Attached: cathook.png (472x113, 5.27K)

I don't know how it could. I'm not a programmer. It's taking assets from games that are exposed to hackers. Maybe they sent hacked assets to Garry's Mod that make your computer send you social security code to hackers.

Bullshit. Valve is like any other game company and their codebases will share a lot of code.
Chances are, the functions with vulnerabilities in the TF2/CS:GO code might exist in the other engines, too.
Most exploits target shit like string handling, and knowing game companies, Valve just copy-pasted that shit into every new engine they make.
Admittedly though, the chances of an exploit hitting you tonight in GMod are a lot slimmer than in TF2 or CS:GO.

Am I good playing any other steam/non-valve game except csgo and tf2?

>steam gets fucked too perhaps
How fucking tech-illiterate are you newfags

Anyone has the original thread where the leak happened? I was sleeping, need an archive link.

Im literally playing rn

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Man leaked his address " Tiananmen Square 1989 " might be Urban

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Bullshit, catroot and catroot2 store shit for the Windows update.

> don't log into TF2 tonight
Nobody but several thousands bots logs in tf2. Calm down.

I agree, depending on how it interacts with steam, it could create more exploits with steam itself.

My nigger sense says you're full of shit.

> but source 2 and other stuff should realistically be safe
They reused some code, there is no way they have rewritten everything from scratch.

>valve, shitting itself, tries to do some damage control
my jew sense says youre fuller.

CSGO is not the same as TF2

yeah csgo is probably fine, they update it a lot. tf2 has barely gotten shit since 2018

The economy is gonna crash no cap

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can someone point me in the right direction as to where i can find the source code